Emissions trading in Australia - allocation challenges

A Public Forum organised by the Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets, The Institute of Environmental Studies (UNSW) and the Environmental Economics Research Hub on the 1st Sept 2008.


9.00am       Opening by Regina Betz [pdf]


9.10am       Key speaker:

Cameron Hepburn (Oxford University)

Allocation challenges [pdf]


10.00am     Implications for different stakeholders

Damian Sullivan (The Brotherhood of St. Laurence)

Distributional impacts on low-income households in Australia [pdf]


David Richardson (The Australian Institute)

The impact of an Emissions Trading Scheme on State Government budgets [pdf]


Jack Pezzey (ANU)

Who wins at the end from free permits? [pdf]


11.30am     How to spend the auction revenue?

Erwin Jackson (The Climate Institute)

Effectiveness, efficiency, equity & institutional feasibility of using auction revenue? [pdf]


Owen Pasco (ACF)

Dividing the Pie: Using permit revenue for climate change solutions [pdf]


Iain MacGill (CEEM/UNSW)

Support for technology and innovation [pdf]


Hugh Saddler (Energy Strategies)

Support for energy efficiency [pdf]


This event is organised by the Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets, The Institute of Environmental Studies (UNSW) and the Environmental Economics Research Hub. The EERH is funded through the Commonwealth Environment Research Facility (CERF) Program.