Paul Twomey

UNSW Business School
Title & place of publication Author Research area Type Links Date
Notes for introductory statement to the Senate Economics Committee, 27th March 2009, and the Proof Committee Hansard, Reference: Exposure drafts of the legislation to implement the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Regina Betz, Iain MacGill, Paul Twomey Emissions trading Submissions
Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Scrutiny of New Taxes, Nov 2010 Paul Twomey, Regina Betz Emissions trading Submissions
'Australia - Finally a Carbon Pricing Scheme?' in Greenhouse Gas Market 2011, Asia and Beyond: the Roadmap to Global Carbon & Energy Markets, by the International Emissions Trading Association Paul Twomey, Iain MacGill, Regina Betz, Jones, M.C. Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers
Additional Action Reserve: A proposed mechanism to facilitate additional voluntary and policy emission reductions efforts in emissions trading schemes, CEEM discussion paper for comment DP_100212, February 2010 Paul Twomey, Regina Betz, Iain MacGill, Rob Passey Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers
'Renewable energy tariffs, subsidies, targets: are such policies needed under a carbon price?', in The Conversation, 6 Sept 2011 Paul Twomey, Neil Perry Emissions trading, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Articles
The Claytons ETS, ABC Unleashed, 19th Aug 2009 Paul Twomey Emissions trading Articles
Wind Power and Market Power, Energy Policy, 38 Paul Twomey, Neuhoff, K. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal papers
'Rationales for Additional Climate Policy Instruments Under a Carbon Price’, The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 23 Paul Twomey Emissions trading Journal papers
'Carbon Markets: Inherent Limitations and Complementary Policies’, The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 23 Paul Twomey, Perry, N. Emissions trading Journal papers
'The inevitability of ‘flotilla policies’ as complements or alternatives to flagship emissions trading schemes', Energy Policy, 48 Rob Passey, Iain MacGill, Paul Twomey, Bailey, I. Emissions trading, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Journal papers
'Achieving additional emission reductions under a cap-and-trade scheme’, Climate Policy, 12 Paul Twomey, Regina Betz, Iain MacGill Emissions trading Journal papers
'Designing Prediction Markets for International Negotiations: Lessons Learnt from the Climate Summit in Copenhagen’, Global Environmental Change, 27 Regina Betz, Paul Twomey, Cludius, J. Emissions trading, Sustainability & general Journal papers