CEEM researchers presenting


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The impact of technology availability on the costs of 100% RE scenarios - Australian case study Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Seminar International Agency of Energy Economics, Antalya, Turkey Monday 25th May 2015
Distributional Aspects of Renewable Energy Support Policies in Germany and Australia Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Seminar Universitas 21 Graduate Research Conference on Energy: Systems, Policy and Solutions, University College Dublin, Ireland Wednesday 19th June 2013
Wind as the new ‘Base Load’: The role of wind in future electricity markets Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Technology Assessments Seminar New Zealand Wind Energy Association 2014 Conference, Wellington Tuesday 15th April 2014
Some Australian insights into sustainable energy technology innovation in the electricity industry Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Seminar ETH Sustainability and Technology Group Seminar, Zurich, Switzerland Friday 4th April 2014
Value Relevance of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Disclosures on Stock Market Performance: An International Study Emissions trading Seminar UTS Business School, Haymarket Campus Monday 7th April 2014
De-Carbonizing for Growth: Why everyone is wrong about the cost of addressing climate change Sustainability & general Seminar Rex Vowels Theatre, UNSW. You can see the video at http://www.a-pac.tv/video Tuesday 29th April 2014
Reflections on China's carbon markets Emissions trading Seminar Room G22 (Ground Floor), Tyree Technology Building, Kensington Campus, UNSW Thursday 3rd April 2014
Why is residential electricity consumption decreasing, and will it continue to do so? Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Seminar Rm LAW 101, Law Building (K-F8), Kensington Campus, University of NSW Tuesday 8th April 2014
Advanced Power Grid Research at Argonne National Laboratory Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Seminar Tyree Energy Technology Building, UNSW, Friday 7th March 2014
Energy Productivity & Pricing: Markets for energy, renewable energy and carbon Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Sustainability & general Seminar Australian Power Institute (API) Summer School, Sunshine Coast Monday 17th February 2014
Comparing the costs of 100% renewable electricity with lower carbon fossil fuel scenarios in Australia Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Seminar Stanford University Atmosphere/Energy Seminar Tuesday 12th November 2013
Least cost 100% renewable electricity scenarios in the Australian National Electricity Market Large-scale Renewable Energy Seminar ISES conference (Solar World Congress 2013) Cancun, Mexico Wednesday 6th November 2013
Transfers in Phase 1of the EU ETS: A first reality check of transfer patterns Emissions trading Seminar "Experiences, empirical findings and modeling of Emission Trading Schemes – Implications for China" Symposium organised by Fraunhofer ISI and Institute for Policy Management – Chinese Academy of Science IPM CAS, Bejing, China Thursday 10th October 2013
Changing Drivers for Energy and Climate Policy in the Electricity Industry Sustainability & general Seminar Sydney Symposium on Carbon Capture (S2 C2) ‘FLEXIBLE OPERATIONS OF POWER PLANTS WITH CARBON CAPTURE’ Wednesday 16th October 2013
From Energy Consumers to Prosumers: Engagement of users in both self generation and energy management Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Seminar EUAA Conference, Brisbane, Australia Tuesday 1st October 2013
Electric Vehicle integration in the NEM: implications for passenger vehicle emissions Electric vehicles Seminar Low Carbon Living CRC ‘Low Carbon Transport Research Workshop’, Adelaide Tuesday 1st October 2013
The Merit Order Effect of Wind and PV Generation in Germany 2010-2012: Estimation and Implications Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Seminar 13th European IAEE Conference 2013, Duesseldorf, Germany Monday 19th August 2013
100% Renewables, will the electricity market work? Large-scale Renewable Energy, Technology Assessments Seminar Berlin Conference on Electricity Economics, Germany Thursday 10th October 2013