The Green Paradox of the Economics of Exhaustible Resources

The Green Paradox of the Economics of Exhaustible Resources

Professor Robert Cairns, McGill University, Canada
12:00pm - 1:00pm, Monday 26th November, 2012
ASB 119, First Floor, Australian School of Business (E12),
Kensington Campus, University of NSW

Event date
Monday 26th November 2012
Event address
Theatre 119, Australian School of Business (E12), Kensington Campus, UNSW

The green paradox states that an increasing tax on emissions of carbon dioxide, consonant with expected increase in their marginal damages, may induce oil producers to shift their production toward the present and thereby to exacerbate the problem of climatic change. The model is based on Hotelling models of resource use that do not take the natural and technical features of oil production into account. When these features are taken into account, the prediction of the green paradox is unlikely.