CEEM researchers presenting


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Event Research area Type Location Date
Designing Emissions Trading Schemes to Combat Climate Change: Lessons Learnt from the European Emissions Trading Scheme Emissions trading Seminar UFZ, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany Thursday 26th July 2012
Emerging Lessons of the Financialisation of Carbon Emissions trading Seminar ‘Life and Debt: Living through the Financialisation of the Biosphere’ Conference, University of Technology Sydney Tuesday 24th July 2012
Poster Presentation - Renewable Energy Technology Capacity Building through Educational Institutions: Maria Retnanestri, Diah Suwarti WIdyastuti, Hugh Outhred Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Conference Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Conference EBTKE CONEX 2012, Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta Tuesday 17th July 2012
Resilience lessons for Australian Climate Change Mitigation Policy Emissions trading, Sustainability & general Seminar 35th Annual IAEE International Conference, Perth, Western Australia Monday 25th June 2012
Deriving Least-Cost Policy Strategies for Meeting CO2-Reduction Targets in Passenger Car Transport in the EU-15 Electric vehicles, Emissions trading Seminar Tyree Energy Technologies Building, University of NSW Friday 22nd June 2012
Efficiency and Effectiveness of Promotion Systems for Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources – An Update on Lessons Learned from EU Countries Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Seminar Tyree Energy Technologies Building, University of NSW Friday 22nd June 2012
The End of Electricity Demand Growth: Why such a scenario is not as far-fetched as it sounds Sustainability & general Seminar Kensington Campus, UNSW Tuesday 19th June 2012
Some possible frameworks for assessing: The potential for, and barriers to, development of alternative forms of energy generation (eg: tidal, geothermal) in NSW Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Seminar NSW Citizens Deliberation for the NSW PAC Inquiry, webinar for Sydney, Tamworth, Darwin Friday 1st June 2012
Australian Carbon Pricing Mechanism: Experimental test of different auction designs Emissions trading Seminar S.CO.RE. Seminar, Loyola de Palacio Chair / Florence School of Regulation Tuesday 29th May 2012
Electric Vehicle Electric vehicles Seminar STTNAS College, Jogjakarta Saturday 19th May 2012
'Designer' markets for electricity, renewables and energy efficiency – some ‘surprising’ lessons from Australia Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Seminar ETH Zurich Seminar Series, Zurich Tuesday 1st May 2012
Australian ‘High PV Penetration’ Case Studies: Carnarvon – Isolated Gas/Diesel mini-grid Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Seminar IEA PVPS Task 14 High Penetration PV in the Electricity Grid workshop in Kassel, Germany Tuesday 1st May 2012
Facilitating Wind Power Development in Australia Large-scale Renewable Energy Seminar Joint Lecture Program of Engineers Australia, ITEE, IEEE, IEE and Environmental Engineering Society Tuesday 1st May 2012
Some Recent ‘High PV Penetration’ Developments in Australia Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Seminar IEA PVPS Task 14 High Penetration PV in the Electricity Grid workshop in Kassel, Germany Tuesday 1st May 2012
High PV Penetration in Electricity Grids, Australian Case Studies: Alice Springs (with NT Power & Water Corporation) Carnarvon (with Horizon Power) Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Seminar Friday 20th April 2012
The Network’s Perspective: Grid Integration of PV issues and Solutions Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Seminar APVA Workshop on Grid Integration of PV, Perth Friday 20th April 2012
What does Durban mean for the project-based and new market mechanisms? Emissions trading Seminar CEEM, UNSW Tuesday 27th March 2012
Environmental sustainability and the climate change debate Sustainability & general Seminar ELC Economics Teachers Conference, Sydney Friday 9th March 2012