The publications from UNSW researchers now associated with CEEM are listed below by year, and within each year they are in alphabetical order. Some are available for download. You can categorise by publication type and/or research area and can also search by keyword.

Title & place of publicationsort ascending Author Research area Type Links Year
'Do renewables really matter?', Climate Spectator Jenny Riesz Sustainability & general Articles 2014
'Comparison of Wind Energy Support Policy and Electricity Market Design in Europe, the United States and Australia', IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 3(4), pp.  809 – 818. Aparicio, N., MacGill, I. F., Rivier Abbad, J., Beltran, H. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2012
'Carbon Markets: Inherent Limitations and Complementary Policies’, The Economic and Labour Relations Review: ELRR23. 1 (Feb 2012): p1-6 Perry, N., Twomey, P. Emissions trading Journal Papers 2012
'Carbon Abatement and its Cost in Construction Activities’, Proceedings of the 2014 Construction Research Congress Carmichael, D.G., Malcolm, C.J., Balatbat, M.C. Emissions trading Conference Papers 2014
'Can we do without a clean energy finance bank?', The Conversation, 25 June Jenny Riesz Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Articles 2013
'AUSTRALIA’S CLIMATE POLICY OPTIONS, Submission in response to the Climate Change Authority’s Special Review Second Draft Report' Neil Raffan, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Sustainability & general Submissions 2016
'Assessing “Gas Transition” pathways to low carbon electricity’ Riesz, J. , Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2014
'Assessing the value of wind generation in future carbon constrained electricity industries', Energy Policy, 53, p400-412. Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2013
'Assessing the Short-Term Revenue Impacts of Residential PV Systems on Electricity Customers, Retailers and Network Service Providers’, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 54, p1494-1505 Oliva, S., MacGill I., Passey, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2016
'Assessing Long-term Security of Electricity Supply and the Role of Renewable Energy: A Probabilistic Generation Portfolio Analysis Approach' Vithayasrichareon, P., Riesz, J. , MacGill I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2014
'An Assessment of the Cost-Reflectivity of Proposed Network Tariffs in Australia’, Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference 2015, Brisbane, Australia Kelly, D., Bruce, A. , MacGill, I., Passey, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2015
'A Framework for Designing & Categorising Capacity Markets – Insights from an Application to Europe', 38th IAEE International Conference, Antalya, Turkey Riesz, J. , Thorpe, G., Cludius, J., Betz, R. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Extended abstract 2015
'A Comparative Review of Australian technology demonstration and commercialisation initiatives in sustainable energy’, a CEEM Discussion Paper Aaron, A., MacGill I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Reports and Working Papers 2012
'Impact of High Variable Renewable Generation on Future Market Prices and Generator Revenue', IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC) 2015, Brisbane Vithayasrichareon, P., Riesz, J. , MacGill I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2015
'Energy White Paper 2014, Green Paper Submission’ Raffan, N., MacGill I., Riesz, J. , Vithayasrichareon, P., Bruce, A. Sustainability & general Submissions 2014
'Submission to the COAG Energy Council’s ‘Review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Market – Draft Report(July 2015)'' Neil Raffan, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2015
‘Subjective judgments in the nuclear energy debate’, Conservation Biology 30(3), p666-669 Diesendorf, M. Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2016
‘Shunning nuclear power but not its waste: assessing the risks of Australia becoming the world's nuclear wasteland’, Energy Research & Social Science 19, p142-147 Diesendorf, M. Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2016
‘Modeling the benefits of electric cooking in Bhutan: a long term perspective’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 59, p494–503 Yangka, D., Diesendorf, M. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2016
‘Carbon footprint scenarios for renewable electricity in Australia’, J. Cleaner Production 124, p236-245 Wolfram, P., Wiedmann, T., Diesendorf, M. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2016
