The publications from UNSW researchers now associated with CEEM are listed below by year, and within each year they are in alphabetical order. Some are available for download. You can categorise by publication type and/or research area and can also search by keyword.

Title & place of publication Author Research area Typesort ascending Links Year
'Simulations of scenarios with 100% renewable electricity in the Australian National Electricity Market', Energy Policy 45, p. 606-613 Elliston, B., Diesendorf, M., MacGill, I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2012
'Rationales for Additional Climate Policy Instruments Under a Carbon Price’, The Economic and Labour Relations Review: ELRR 23. 1 (Feb 2012), p7-31 Twomey, P. Emissions trading Journal Papers 2012
'Carbon Markets: Inherent Limitations and Complementary Policies’, The Economic and Labour Relations Review: ELRR23. 1 (Feb 2012): p1-6 Perry, N., Twomey, P. Emissions trading Journal Papers 2012
'Portfolio assessments for future generation investment in newly industrializing countries – A case study of Thailand’. Energy 44 (1): p. 1044-1058 Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2012
'The New South Wales load based licensing scheme for NOx: Lessons learnt after a decade of operation', Ecological Economics, 80, pp. 70–78 Ancev, T., Betz, R., Contreras, Z. Emissions trading Journal Papers 2012
Economic functioning and politically pragmatic justification of tradable green certificates in Poland, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 13(2), p157-175 Heinzel, C., Winkler, T. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2011
'The inevitability of ‘flotilla policies’ as complements or alternatives to flagship emissions trading schemes', Energy Policy, 48, p551-561. Passey, R., Bailey, I., MacGill, I., Twomey, P. Emissions trading, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2012
'The Potential Impacts of Grid-connected Distributed Generation and How to Address Them: A Review of Technical and Non-technical Factors', Energy Policy, 39(10), p6280-6290. Passey, R., Spooner, T., MacGill, I., Watt, M., Syngellakis, K. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2011
'The fall (and rise) of carbon pricing in Australia: a political strategy analysis of the carbon pollution reduction scheme', Environmental Politics, 21(5), p691-711. Bailey, I., MacGill, I., Passey, R., Compston, H. Emissions trading Journal Papers 2012
'Comparison of Wind Energy Support Policy and Electricity Market Design in Europe, the United States and Australia', IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 3(4), pp.  809 – 818. Aparicio, N., MacGill, I. F., Rivier Abbad, J., Beltran, H. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2012
'Achieving additional emission reductions under a cap-and-trade scheme’, Climate Policy, 12(4), p424-439. Twomey, P., Betz, R., MacGill I.F. Emissions trading Journal Papers 2012
'Renewable Energy Technology Acculturation in Indonesia: Lessons from Off-grid PV and Hybrid Case Studies, Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Energi, JITE Vol. 1 No. 16 Edisi Februari 2013 : 7-18, ISSN 1856-3466' Maria Retnanestri [nid:328], Hugh Outhred [nid:330] Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2013
'Research Principles for Developing Country Food Value Chains, Policy Forum, Science, 3 Jun 2011 Vol 332' Gomez et al (20 workshop participants), Hugh Outhred [nid:330], Maria Retnanestri [nid:328] Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2011
'The I3A Framework – Enhancing the Sustainability of Off-grid Photovoltaic Energy Service Delivery in Indonesia, Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Energi Vol. 1 No. 7, Agustus 2008, pp 1-15, ISSN 1858-3466' Maria Retnanestri [nid:328], Hugh Outhred [nid:330], Stephen Healy Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2008
'Assessing the value of wind generation in future carbon constrained electricity industries', Energy Policy, 53, p400-412. Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2013
‘Is wartime mobilisation a suitable policy model for rapid national climate mitigation?’ Energy Policy, 58, p371-380 DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.03.036, Delina, L., Diesendorf, M. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2013
‘Least cost 100% renewable electricity scenarios in the Australian National Electricity Market’, Energy Policy 59, p270-282 DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.03.038, Elliston, B., MacGill, I., Diesendorf, M. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2013
'Impacts on the biophysical economy and environment of a transition to 100% renewable electricity in Australia', Energy Policy, 54:288-299, Turner, G.M., Elliston, B., Diesendorf, M. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2013
The Relationship between Sustainability Practices and Financial Performance of Construction Companies’, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 2(1), pp 6-27 Siew, R.Y.J., Balatbat, M.C., Carmichael, D. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2013
‘A Review of Building/Infrastructure Sustainability Reporting Tools (SRTs)’, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 2(2). Siew, R.Y.J., Balatbat, M.C., Carmichael, D. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2013
