Previous Research 

Potential Interactions between the 20% RET and the CPRS

This project involved policy relevant analysis, quantitative modelling and empirical market analysis strands and helped to better understand the impacts of high wind generation into the electricity market as well as carbon pricing.

The Rise of Carbon Markets in China: Established design principles - novel practices

The aim of the project is to provide an opportunity for both UNSW and Chinese Universities to address the dearth of English literature on Chinese carbon markets and explore the differences to existing carbon markets in Australia and the European Union.


The Copenhagen Prediction Market

This project aimed to predict a number of different outcomes of the Copenhagen Climate Conference.

Cost-reflective Tariff Design 

This project aims to build knowledge around the design of more cost-reflective tariffs. Cost-reflective tariffs should, in theory, charge customers according to the costs they impose on network businesses. We have most recently developed a Tariff Tool that can be used to assess various impacts of different tariff designs.

National Electricity Market Optimiser

NEMO, the National Electricity Market Optimiser, is a chronological dispatch model for testing and optimising different portfolios of conventional and renewable electricity generation technologies. It has been developed since 2011 and is maintained by Ben Elliston through his PhD at CEEM. NEMO is available under a free software license (GPL version 3) and requires no proprietary software to run, making it particularly accessible to the governments of developing countries, academic researchers and students. The model is available for others to inspect and to validate results. The model is available here.


The economic value of smart integration of electric vehicles into the Australian electricity industry

The aim of this project is to develop tools for better understanding and managing the integration of Electric Vehicles (EVs) into the Australian electricity industry. The project focuses on the economics of EV integration with respect to both potential network and energy market operation and investment.

Climate change and energy policy interactions: elements of a robust policy mix

The aim of the project is to investigate the nature of policy instrument interactions and the implications of uncertainty for designing climate and energy policy mixes.

Designing environmental market instruments

This project aims to develop environmental policy options that deliver efficient, effective and operational outcomes taking imperfections of the real world into account. 

Overcoming barriers to renewable energy in rural Indonesia by community capacity building

Is an AusAID Australian Development Research Award Project involving Indonesian collaborators. It aims to identify and disseminate ways to overcome barriers to the use of photovoltaic energy systems and other renewable energy resources to facilitate sustainable development for communities in rural Indonesia that do not have access to conventional electricity supply.