Workshop on the Role of PV in the Electricity Utilization in Indonesia & Launching of the DGEEU’s 10 kWp Grid-Connected PV Installation

Event date
Friday 1st January 2010

Workshop Peran PV Dalam Penyediaan Energi Listrik di Indonesia & Peresmian Instalasi 10 kWp Grid-Connected PV DJLPE

Workshop on the Role of PV in the Electricity Utilization in Indonesia &

Launching of the DGEEU’s 10 kWp Grid-Connected PV Installation


DGEEU Building, Jl. Rasuna Said, Jakarta, Indonesia

15 July 2008


Sponsored by:

ESDM – Ministry of Mine & Energy,

B2TE BPPT – Energy Technology Centre

Kaneka Co –








Registrasi Peserta (Registration)

Makan Siang (Lunch)


Pembukaan (Opening Session)



Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ir. Purnomo Yusgiantoro

Menteri Energi & Sumber Daya Mineral: Peran PV dalam Penyediaan Listrik di Indonesia

Dilanjutkan dengan Tekan Tombol Peresmian Instalasi PV 10 kWp


Minister of Mines & Energy: The Role of PV in the Electricity Utilization in Indonesia

Followed by the launch of the DGEEU’s 10 kWp grid-connected PV Installation


Paparan dan Diskusi I (Presentation & Discussion I)

1.  Dr. Arya Rezavidi, BPPT: Roadmap teknologi PLTS (PV Roadmap) [pdf]

2.  Ratna Ariati, DJLPE/DGEEU: Kebijakan & Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah dibidang Energi Baru & Terbarukan (New & Renewable Energy Policies) [pdf]

3.  Drs. Agus Salim Dasuki MEng, KPDT: Prospek PV dalam pembangunan daerah terpencil (PV Prospects for the development of the disadvantaged regions) [pdf]

4.  Prof. Hugh Outhred, UNSW: Feed-in Tariff for Grid-Connected PV – Design Options[pdf]


Tea/Coffee Break


Paparan dan Diskusi II (Presentation & Discussion II)

5.  Dr. MAM Oktaufik, B2TE: Standar Sertifikasi Komponen PLTS (Certification Standards for PV Components) [pdf]

6.  Drs. Soedjono Respati, APSURYA (Indonesian PV Association): Peluang Business & Industri PLTS di Indonesia (PV Business Opportunities in Indonesia) [pdf]

7.  Ario Senoaji, PLN: Rencana & Strategi PLN dalam pemanfaatan PV (PLN’s Plan & Strategy for PV Utilization) [pdf]

8.  Kaneka Corporation: Kaneka’s On-Grid & Off-Grid PV Projects [pdf]


Penutup (Summary & Closing)


Note: Presentations 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 are in Bahasa Indonesia, Presentations 4 & 8 are in English