The publications from UNSW researchers now associated with CEEM are listed below by year, and within each year they are in alphabetical order. Some are available for download. You can categorise by publication type and/or research area and can also search by keyword.

Title & place of publicationsort ascending Author Research area Type Links Year
'Optimal timing for generation investment with uncertain emission mitigation policy', European Transactions Electrical Power, 21, p1015-1027 Liu, G., Wen, F., MacGill. I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2011
'Opportunities and Barriers for Photovoltaics on Multi-Unit Residential Buildings: Reviewing the Australian Experience’, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 109: 95-110 Mike Roberts , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2019
'Operational Characteristics of a Cluster of Distributed Photovoltaic Systems', at the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Asia Conference, in Perth, Nov 13-16, 2011 Simon Heslop , MacGill, I.F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2011
'Open Source Model for Operational and Commercial Assessment of Local Electricity Sharing Schemes in the Australian National Electricity Market', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Naomi Stringer , Luke Marshall , Rob Passey , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2017
'Okosteuer hat zu geringerer Umweltbelastung des Verkehrs beigetragen', ['Eco-tax has contributed to lower environmental impact of traffic'] In: DIW Wochenbericht 13/14/2010, pp. 2-7. [this is in German] Viktor Steiner, Johanna Cludius Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers 2010
'Observed behavior of distributed photovoltaic systems during major voltage disturbances and implications for power system security', Applied Energy, 260:114283 Naomi Stringer , Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce , Jenny Riesz, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2020
'Nempy: A Python package for modelling the Australian National Electricity Market dispatch procedure', Journal of Open Source Software, 70 Nicholas Gorman , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Articles 2022
'NEMOSIS – NEM Open Source Information Service; open-source access to Australian National Electricity Market Data', APSRC 2018, Sydney, Australia Nicholas Gorman , Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2018
'N1 Oppurtunity Assessment - Electric vehicles and the grid', Race for 2030, 2021 Amelia Thorpe, Declan Kuch , Alannah Milton Electric vehicles Reports and Working Papers 2021
'Multi-faceted energy planning: a review", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 38, pp. 686 - 699 

Prasad, Ravita D. , Bansan, R.C, Raturi, Atul K. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2014
'Modeling the carbon budget of the Australian electricity industry's transition to renewable energy' Renewable Energy 125:712-728 Bahareh Sara Howard, Nicholas E. Hamilton, Mark Diesendorf , Thomas Wiedmann Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2018
'Minimum Reliability Subscription, Capital Efficient Community Microgrids With High Share Of Renewables' Emi Minghui Gui, Iain MacGill , Regina Betz Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers 2020
'Least Cost High Renewable Energy Penetration Scenarios in the Java Bali Grid System', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Arionmaro Asi Simaremare, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Is the Australian National Electricity Market 'fit for purpose' in delivering clean energy transition', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, Sydney, December 2021 Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2021
'Is coal power "dispatchable"?', RenewEconomy Mark Diesendorf Electricity Markets & Restructuring Articles 2018
'Interactions between energy security and climate change: A focus on developing countries', Energy Policy, 39(6), p3750-3756. Bazilian, M., Hobbs, B.F., Blyth, W., MacGill, I., Howells, M. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2011
'Inquiry Into Electric Buses in Regional and Metropolitan Public Transport Networks in NSW, Submission in response to the Committee on Transport and Infrastructure' Anna Bruce , Katelyn Purnell , Iain MacGill Submissions 2019

'Incentives for energy efficiency in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme', Energy Efficiency, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 37-67

Schleich, J., Rogge, K., Betz, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Emissions trading Journal Papers 2009
'In conversation with UNSW’s Anna Bruce on distributed transformation',PV Magazine Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Media 2021
'Implications of trends in energy return on energy invested (EROI) for transitioning to renewable electricity', Ecological Economics 176:106726 Mark Diesendorf , Thomas Wiedmann Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2020
