The publications from UNSW researchers now associated with CEEM are listed below by year, and within each year they are in alphabetical order. Some are available for download. You can categorise by publication type and/or research area and can also search by keyword.

Title & place of publication Author Research area Typesort descending Links Year
'Five reasons why Michael Moore's Planet of the Humans is a bad mistake', RenewEconomy Mark Diesendorf Large-scale Renewable Energy Media 2020
'In conversation with UNSW’s Anna Bruce on distributed transformation',PV Magazine Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Media 2021
Australia’s energy market operator is worried about the grid’s reliability. But should it be? Dylan McConnell Electricity Markets & Restructuring Media 2023
Solar curtailment is emerging as a new challenge to overcome as Australia dashes for rooftop solar Baran Yildiz , Sophie Adams , Shanil Samarakoon , Dr Naomi Stringer Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Media 2021
Canberra fast becoming Australia’s little Norway as EV share hits 19 pct Ben Elliston Electric vehicles Media 2023
Rooftop solar 'cannibalising' power prices as Australian generators pay to stay online Daniel Mercer, Dylan McConnell Large-scale Renewable Energy Media 2023
Renewable backup power key to energy resilience in disasters Ben Knight Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Media 2023
The Afterlife of Solar Paul Munro , Shanil Samarakoon Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Media 2021
'Maximum PV generation estimation tool' Simon Heslop Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Data files/spreadsheets 2014
'The Impact of Technology Availability on the Costs of 100% Renewable Electricity Generation Scenarios for Australia', 38th IAEE International Conference, Antalya, Turkey Riesz, J. , Elliston, B. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Extended abstract 2015
'A Framework for Designing & Categorising Capacity Markets – Insights from an Application to Europe', 38th IAEE International Conference, Antalya, Turkey Riesz, J. , Thorpe, G., Cludius, J., Betz, R. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Extended abstract 2015
'Market Pricing and Revenue Outcomes in an Electricity Market with High Renewables – An Australian Case Study', 38th IAEE International Conference, Antalya, Turkey Vithayasrichareon, P., Riesz, J. , MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Extended abstract 2015
