The publications from UNSW researchers now associated with CEEM are listed below by year, and within each year they are in alphabetical order. Some are available for download. You can categorise by publication type and/or research area and can also search by keyword.

Title & place of publicationsort descending Author Research area Type Links Year

Electricity Industry Restructuring for Efficiency and Sustainability - Lessons from the Australian Experience, accepted for the 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 2006

Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2006

Electricity industry restructuring in Australia, Seminar presentation to the University of California Energy Institute, December 2003

Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Electricity Markets & Restructuring Archived 2003

Electricity Industry restructuring in Australia: underlying principles and experience to date, to be published in the Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 2007

Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2007

Electricity Industry Restructuring in California and its Implications for Australia, April, 2001.

Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Electricity Markets & Restructuring Archived 2001

Electricity market design for facilitating the integration of wind energy: experience and prospects with the Australian National Electricity Market, Energy Policy(accepted for publication)

MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2009

Emerging Challenges in Wind Energy Forecasting, forthcoming in Australian Meteorological Magazine(accepted for publication).

Kay, M.J., Cutler, N.J., MacGill, I.F., Outhred, H.R.[nid:330] Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2009

Emissions Trading for Australia: Design, transition and linking options

Regina Betz, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers 2005

Emissions Trading to Combat Climate Change: The impact of scheme design on transaction costs, at the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society's 2006 Conference, Sydney, 8th-10th February 2006

Regina Betz Emissions trading Conference Papers 2006

Emissions trading to combat climate change: The impact of scheme design on transaction costs, at the British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE) Academic Conference in association with UK Energy Research Centre, St John's College Oxford. The associated presentation is also available.

Regina Betz Emissions trading Conference Papers 2005

Emissions Trading: 'Grip on reality' or just 'trust in numbers', for the Australian Review of Public Affairs, August 2008

Stephen Healy, Declan Kuch Emissions trading Articles 2008

Emissions Trading: Good Governance Requires 100% Auctioning, for the Centre for Policy Development, 13th June 2008

Iain MacGill, Regina Betz Emissions trading Articles 2008

Emissions trading: lessons learnt from the 1st phase of the EU ETS and prospects for the 2nd phase , Climate Policy 6, pp351-359

Regina Betz, Misato Sato Emissions trading Journal Papers 2006

Energy Efficiency Certificate Trading and the NSW Greenhouse Benchmarks scheme, Draft ERGO discussion paper 0301 April 2003

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Emissions trading Archived 2003
Energy efficiency certificating trading and demand-side abatement in the NSW greenhouse benchmarks scheme UNSW Electrical Energy Seminar presentation on 13 March, 2003 Iain MacGill Emissions trading, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Archived 2003
Energy Resilience in Bushfires and Extreme Weather Events Sophie Adams , Mike Roberts , Shanil Samarakoon , Ellie Kallmier, Michael Dillon, Alison Potter, Rachel Szczepaniak, Rob Passey , Anna Bruce , Declan Kuch , Dr Iain MacGill, Renate Egan Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2023
Energy Usage and the Environment, Harvard International Review, Vol. 26. Tony Owen Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2005
Energy without an end, OpEd in the Age newspaper, 2nd Feb 2009, Muriel Watt, Iain MacGill Technology Assessments Articles 2009
Engaging households in electricity flexibility – insights from the UK Mike Roberts Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2023

Environmental Externalities, Market Distortions and the Economics of Renewable Energy Technologies, The Energy Journal, Vol. 25, 127-156 .

Tony Owen Large-scale Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal Papers 2004

Environmental markets, financial markets, and experimental economics - some Australian perspectives, Paper prepared for SIRCA Briefing Program, 10 December, 2003

Karel Nolles Large-scale Renewable Energy, Emissions trading Archived 2003
