The publications from UNSW researchers now associated with CEEM are listed below by year, and within each year they are in alphabetical order. Some are available for download. You can categorise by publication type and/or research area and can also search by keyword.

Title & place of publication Author Research area Type Links Yearsort ascending
Spatial-Temporal Enhancements of Material Flux Analysis Methods, with Application to Cadmium Management in an Agricultural Region in Australia, Clean Technology and Environmental Policy, Doi: 10.1007/s10098-009-0226-3. Jakrawatana, N., Moore, S., Lim, S., MacGill, I. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2009

Submission on the Exposure Draft of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Legislation, a joint submission on behalf of The Climate Change Law and Policy Initiative, Faculty of Law, UNSW, and the Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets, UNSW

CCLI & CEEM Emissions trading Submissions 2009
Submission to the CoAG Working Group on Climate Change and Water Exposure Draft Renewable Energy Target (RET) Legislation and supporting regulations Iain MacGill, Robert Passey Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2009
Submission to the National Carbon Offset Standard Discussion paper, March 2009 Robert Passey, Iain MacGill Emissions trading Submissions 2009
Submission to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee Inquiry into Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2009 and a related bill. The final Senate Inquiry report and representation at the Senate Economics Committee on 6th Aug 2009 are also available. Iain MacGill, Robert Passey Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2009

The Claytons ETS, ABC Unleashed, 19th Aug 2009

Paul Twomey Emissions trading Articles 2009

The Integration of Wind Generation within the South Australian Region of the Australian National Electricity Market, a CEEM/EERH Working Paper

Cutler, N., MacGill, I., Outhred, H.[nid:330] Large-scale Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets & Restructuring Reports and Working Papers 2009
Wind Power and Market Power, Energy Policy (Special Issue on Wind Power) (accepted for publication) Twomey, P., Neuhoff, K. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2009

A Lost Opportunity for Leadership, for NewMatilda, 22nd July 2008

Iain MacGill, Regina Betz Emissions trading Articles 2008
A Review of Market-based Schemes to Drive Energy Efficiency. The Executive Summary is available Rob Passey, Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt Emissions trading, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers 2008
An ADRA Research Project to Overcome Barriers to Renewable Energy in Rural Indonesia by Community Capacity Building using the I3A Framework, at the International Solar Energy Society Asia-Pacific Conference, Sydney, 26th Nov 2008 Maria Retnanestri[nid:328], Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Tugino, B Astuti, A Rezavidi, A Prastawa Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2008
Assessing Australia's Sustainable Energy Technology Options: Key Issues, Uncertainties, Priorities and Potential Choices, Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, Vol 11, p85-100 Iain MacGill Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2008
CEEM Submission to the Consultation Paper: South Australian Residential Energy Efficiency Scheme, February 2008 Robert Passey, Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2008

CEEM Submission to the Garnaut Review Emissions Trading Scheme Discussion Paper, April 2008

Iain MacGill, Regina Betz Emissions trading Submissions 2008

Characterizing Wind Power Forecast Uncertainty with Numerical Weather Prediction Spatial Fields, Wind Engineering, Vol 32, No. 6, p509-524

Cutler, N.J., Kepert, J.D., Outhred, H.R.[nid:330], MacGill I.F. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2008

Considering technology within the UN climate change negotiations, by the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands

Morgan Bazilian, Heleen de Coninck, Mark Radka, Smita Nakhooda, William Boyd, Iain MacGill, Amal-Lee Amin, Fredrik von Malmborg, Jukka Uosukainen, Rob Bradley, Rick Bradley Emissions trading, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2008
Designing a coherent PV strategy for Australia, 3rd International Solar Energy Society (ISES) Asia-Pacific Conference & 46th ANZSES Conference, Sydney, 25th to 28th Nov 2008 Muriel Watt, Rob Passey, Greg Watt Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2008

Dispatch of Interruptible Loads Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization: A Comparison of Constraint-Handling Methods, in Proc. Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'08), Sydney, December .

Pedrasa, M.A., Spooner, E. D., MacGill, I. F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2008

Emissions Trading: 'Grip on reality' or just 'trust in numbers', for the Australian Review of Public Affairs, August 2008

Stephen Healy, Declan Kuch Emissions trading Articles 2008

Emissions Trading: Good Governance Requires 100% Auctioning, for the Centre for Policy Development, 13th June 2008

Iain MacGill, Regina Betz Emissions trading Articles 2008
