The publications from UNSW researchers now associated with CEEM are listed below by year, and within each year they are in alphabetical order. Some are available for download. You can categorise by publication type and/or research area and can also search by keyword.

Title & place of publication Author Research area Type Links Year
‘Renewable energy breeding’ can stop Australia blowing the carbon budget – if we’re quick', in The Conversation Mark Diesendorf Electricity Markets & Restructuring Articles 2018
'A Cross-case Analysis of Needs, Barriers and Opportunities from Community Renewable Energy Projects in Central America', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Rolando Madriz-Vargas, Anna Bruce , Muriel Watt Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2017
'A method to estimate the location and orientation of distributed photovoltaic systems from their generation output data’, Renewable Energy, 108, p390-400 Haghdadi, N. , Copper, J., Anna Bruce , MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2017
'Allocation Rules and Meter Timing Issues in Local Energy or 'Peer to Peer' Networks', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Luke Marshall , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Can local government play a greater role for community renewable energy? A case study from Australia’, Energy Research & Social Science, 21, p33-43 Mey, F., Diesendorf, M., MacGill I. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2017
'Data driven exploration of voltage conditions in low voltage network for sites with distributed solar PV', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2017
'Data-driven Assessment of Aggregate Distributed Photovoltaic Generation and its Impacts on Electricity Network Planning', PhD Thesis Navid Haghdadi Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Theses 2017
'Designing more cost reflective electricity network tariffs with demand charges', Energy Policy, 109, p642-649. Passey, R., Haghdadi, N., Bruce, A., MacGill I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2017
'Distributed energy infrastructure paradigm: community microgrids in a new institutional economics context’, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, p355-1365 Gui, M., Diesendorf, M., MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2017
'Energy Justice for All?  Rethinking Sustainable Development Goal 7 through struggles over traditional energy practices in Sierra Leone Energy Policy', Energy Policy, 105, pp. 635-641 Paul Munro , Greg van der Horst, Stephen Healy Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2017
'Energy Transition: A UNSW Climate Change Blueprint' Watt, M., Ngo, A., MacGill, I., Elliston, B. Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2017
'Fast Frequency Response Markets for High Renewable Energy Penetrations in the Future Australian NEM', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia James Banks, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Finding High Resilience and Near Optimal Electricty Generation Mixes for the 21st Century', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Isha Deodhar Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Generator Revenue in the Australian National Electricity Market with High Renewables and a Synchronous Generation Constraint', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Shira Samocha, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Impact of Demand Response in the Australian National Electricity Market with High Renewable Energy Penetration', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Ben Madafiglio, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic Systems on Zone Substation Peak’, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(2), p621-629. Haghdadi, N., Bruce, A., MacGill, I., Passey, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2017
'Impact of Distributed PV on Peak Demand in the Australian National Electricity Market', IEEE PESGM, Chicago, IL, USA Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2017
'Is there an early-mover market value effect for signalling adoption of Integrated Reporting?’ Australasian Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (A-CSEAR) Conference, Nadi, Fiji Balatbat, M.C. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Least Cost High Renewable Energy Penetration Scenarios in the Java Bali Grid System', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Arionmaro Asi Simaremare, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Open Source Model for Operational and Commercial Assessment of Local Electricity Sharing Schemes in the Australian National Electricity Market', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Naomi Stringer , Luke Marshall , Rob Passey , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2017
