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Title & place of publication Author Type Research area Links Year

Consumer cost savings, improved thermal comfort, and reduced peak air conditioning demand through pre-cooling in Australian housing

Shayan Naderi, Simon Heslop, Iain MacGill , Dong Chen, Gloria Pignatta Journal papers Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments

Decarbonising land transport in Micronesia: a case for electric vehicles

Edoardo Santagata, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Extended abstract Electric vehicles

Demand response via pre-cooling and solar pre-cooling: A review

Shayan Naderi, Simon Heslop, Iain MacGill , Gloria Pignatta, Dong Chen Journal papers Technology Assessments

Efficient, effective and fair allocation of costs and benefits in residential energy communities deploying shared photovoltaics

Mike Roberts, Iain MacGill , Arijit Sharma Journal papers Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation

Energy systems for sustainable prosperity

Mark Diesendorf Book chapters Sustainability & general

Finance & Investment Rapid Review: Identification and measurement of circular assets and risks for the finance and investment sector in the transition to a circular economy

Maria Balatbat , Karin Kobelentz Reports and Working Papers Sustainability & general

Funding of the energy transition by monetary sovereign countries

Mark Diesendorf Journal papers Electricity Markets & Restructuring

Generating synthetic residential electricity load profiles using household characteristics

Zahra Rahimpour, Navid Haghdadi, Mike Roberts, Nargess Nourbakhsh, Anna Bruce Extended abstract Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation

Impact of input error on PV system simulation under partial shading conditions

Mike Roberts, Anna Bruce, Simon Heslop , Laura Johnson Extended abstract Technology Assessments

Impact of residential battery energy storage systems on the peak reverse power flows from distributed photovoltaic systems

Hou Sheng Zhou, Rob Passey, Anna Bruce , Alistair B. Sproul Journal papers Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation

Impact of tariffs and system costs on optimal PV system size

Ellie Kallmier, Mike Roberts, Navid Haghdadi, Anna Bruce Extended abstract Technology Assessments

Impacts of electrifying public transit on the electricity grid, from regional to state level analysis

Katelyn Purnell, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Journal papers Electric vehicles

Insights on designing effective and efficient frequency control arrangements from the Australian National Electricity Market

Abhijith Prakash, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Journal papers Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation

It will be impossible to replace fossil fuels by 2050, unless we cut our energy consumption

Mark Diesendorf Articles Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general

Modelled financial outcomes for community-scale batteries

Rob Passey, Baran Yildiz, Phoebe (Heywood) Dennis Extended abstract Large-scale Renewable Energy

Nempy: A Python package for modelling the Australian National Electricity Market dispatch procedure

Nicholas Gorman, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill Journal papers Electricity Markets & Restructuring

Net zero by 2050 will hit a major timing problem technology can’t solve. We need to talk about cutting consumption

Mark Diesendorf Articles Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments

Off-Grid Electrical Urbanism: Emerging Solar Energy Geographies in Ordinary Cities

Paul Munro, Shanil Samarakoon Journal papers Electricity Markets & Restructuring