The publications from UNSW researchers now associated with CEEM are listed below by year, and within each year they are in alphabetical order. Some are available for download. You can categorise by publication type and/or research area and can also search by keyword.

Title & place of publication Author Research area Type Links Year
'We must reduce global energy consumption to reach net zero emissions by 2050', illumen Mark Diesendorf Sustainability & general Articles 2022
A change in the air? The role of offshore wind in Australia's transition to a 100% renewable grid Jonathan Rispler, Mike Roberts , Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2022
A Novel Temperature-Independent Model for Estimating the Cooling Energy in Residential Homes for Pre-Cooling and Solar Pre-Cooling Simon Heslop , Baran Yildiz , Mike Roberts , Dong Chen, Tim Lau, Shayan Naderi , Anna Bruce , Dr Iain MacGill, Renate Egan Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Articles 2022
A review of services and value provided by EV managed charging Liping Wang, Baran Yildiz , Anna Bruce Electric vehicles Conference Papers 2022
An Emissions Consideration for Flexible Green Hydrogen Electrolysers in the NEM Declan Heim , Dr Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Emissions trading Conference Papers 2022
An integrated framework of open-source tools for designing and evaluating green hydrogen production opportunities Muhammad Haider Ali Khan, Phoebe (Heywood) Dennis , Aaron Kuswara, Rahman Daiyan , Iain MacGill , Rose Amal Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2022
Centralised battery operation for community owned embedded networks Laura Johnson, Anna Bruce , Robert Passey Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2022
Comment on Seibert and Rees (2021), ‘Through the Eye of a Needle: An Eco-Heterodox Perspective on the Renewable Energy Transition’, Energies,15:964 Mark Diesendorf Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2022
Decarbonising land transport in Micronesia: a case for electric vehicles Edoardo Santagata , Anna Bruce , Dr Iain MacGill Electric vehicles Conference Papers 2022
Demand response via pre-cooling and solar pre-cooling: A review Shayan Naderi , Gloria Pignatta, Simon Heslop , Dr Iain MacGill, Dong Chen Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2022
Generating synthetic residential electricity load profiles using household characteristics Zahra Rahimpour , Navid Haghdadi , Mike Roberts , Nargess Nourbakhsh , Anna Bruce Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2022
Impact of input error on PV system simulation under partial shading conditions Laura Johnson, Mike Roberts , Anna Bruce , Simon Heslop Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2022
Impact of tariffs and system costs on optimal PV system size  Ellie Kallmier, Anna Bruce , Mike Roberts , Navid Haghdadi Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2022
Modelled financial outcomes for community-scale batteries Phoebe (Heywood) Dennis , Rob Passey , Baran Yildiz Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2022
Off-Grid Electrical Urbanism: Emerging Solar Energy Geographies in Ordinary Cities Paul Munro , Shanil Samarakoon Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal Papers 2022
Opportunities for flexible resources to improve transmission utilisation in NSW Renewable Energy Zones Ashleigh Nicholls, Anna Bruce , Dr Iain MacGill Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2022
Shifting domestic electric water heating to solar hours reduces battery capacity requirements by 80%: a case study in regional Victoria William Ertler, Baran Yildiz , Marnie Shaw Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2022
Solar pre-cooling with different tariff structures and household time of use patterns Shayan Naderi , Simon Heslop , Dong Chen, Dr Iain MacGill, Gloria Pignatta, Alistair Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2022
Techno-economic assessment of the storage value of a novel modular Beam-Down Receiver CSP plant in Australia   David Saldivia, Anna Bruce , Robert A. Taylor Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2022
The afterlives of off-grid solar: The dynamics of repair and e-waste in Malawi Shanil Samarakoon , Paul Munro , Collen Zalengera, Matthew Kearnes Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2022
