The publications from UNSW researchers now associated with CEEM are listed below by year, and within each year they are in alphabetical order. Some are available for download. You can categorise by publication type and/or research area and can also search by keyword.

Title & place of publication Author Research area Type Links Year
The Emissions-based Social Benefits of Large-Scale Transmission Bailey Chappel, Anna Bruce , Dr Iain MacGill Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2022
"Curtailment and network voltage analysis study,"2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), 2021 Baran Yildiz , Dr Naomi Stringer , Sophie Adams , Shanil Samarakoon , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill , Alistair B. Sproul Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2021
'A case study on the behaviour of residential battery energy storage systems during network and demand peaks,' Renewable Energy, 2021 Hou Sheng Zhou , Rob Passey , Anna Bruce , Alistair B. Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2021
'Analysis of electricity consumption and thermal storage of domestic electric water heating systems to utilize exess PV generation', Energy, 235 Baran Yildiz , Jose I. Bilbao, Mike Roberts , Simon Heslop , Jonathan Dore, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill , Renate Egan , Alistair B. Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2021
'Assessment of control tools for utilizing excess distributed photovoltaic generation in domestic electric water heating systems', Applied Energy, 300 Baran Yildiz , Mike Roberts , Jose I. Bilbao, Simon Heslop , Anna Bruce , Jonathon Dore, Iain MacGill , Renate Egan , Alistair B. Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2021
'Curtailment and Network Voltage Analysis Study (CANVAS)', Race for 2030, 2021 Baran Yildiz , Sophie Adams , Shanil Samarakoon , Dr Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers 2021
'High Penetration PV Penetrations in the NEM: How big a challenge for System Services?', State of Energy Research Conference, 7-9 December 2021 Anna Bruce , Kanyawee Keeratimahat , Abhijith Prakash , Rohan Ashby, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2021
'Impact of High Solar and Wind Penetrations and Different Reliability Targets on Dynamic Operating Reserves in Electricity Generation Expansion Planning', Electricity Journal, 34(4)  Yusak Tanoto , Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce , Navid Haghdadi Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2021
'In conversation with UNSW’s Anna Bruce on distributed transformation',PV Magazine Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Media 2021
'Is the Australian National Electricity Market 'fit for purpose' in delivering clean energy transition', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, Sydney, December 2021 Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2021
'N1 Oppurtunity Assessment - Electric vehicles and the grid', Race for 2030, 2021 Amelia Thorpe, Declan Kuch , Alannah Milton Electric vehicles Reports and Working Papers 2021
'Peter Garrett gives Labor a free pass on climate action', Pearls & Irritations Mark Diesendorf Sustainability & general Articles 2021
'Prospects of Sustainable Biomass-Based Power Generation in a Small Island Country,' Joural of Cleaner Production, 318. Ravita D. Prasad, Atul Raturi Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2021
'Response to Energy Security Board's Post 2025 Market Design Options Papers' Abhijith Prakash , Rohan Ashby, Kanyawee Keeratimahat , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2021
'Response to Fast frequency response market ancillary service draft rule determination' Abhijith Prakash , Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2021
'Response to Frequency control rule changes directions paper' Abhijith Prakash , Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2021
'Response to Reserve Services in the National Electricity Market Directions Paper' Abhijith Prakash , Nicholas Gorman , Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2021
'Social license to automate: A critical review of emerging approaches to electricity demand management', Energy Research and Social Science, 80 Sophie Adams , Declan Kuch , Lisa Diamond, Peter Fröhlich, Ida Marie Henriksen, Cecilia Katzeff, Marianne Ryghaug, Selin Yilmaz Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2021
'The politics of reaching net zero', Pearls & Irritations Mark Diesendorf Sustainability & general Articles 2021
'Too expensive, too slow: even the baseload argument doesn't work for nuclear', RenewEconomy
Mark Diesendorf Technology Assessments Articles 2021
