Iain MacGill

School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications

Dr Iain MacGill is a Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications at the University of New South Wales, and Joint Director (Engineering) for the University’s Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets (CEEM). He leads work in two of CEEM’s three research areas -  Sustainable Energy Transformation  including energy technology assessment and renewable energy integration, and Distributed energy systems including ‘smart grids’ and ‘smart’ homes, distributed generation and demand-side participation. He also has research interests in energy and climate policy. He has run industry short courses and consulted to industry and government clients in these areas here in Australia and internationally. He is the Responsible Australian Expert on the International Energy Agency’s PV Power Systems Task 14 on high PV penetrations in the electricity grid and an invited expert for the technical reference groups of the Federal Government’s Australian Energy Technology Assessment, the Australian Energy Market Operator’s future energy scenarios planning process and, previously, the Australian Energy Market Commission’s Demand-Side Participation Review. Iain has a PhD (Electrical Engineering) from UNSW, and a M.Eng.Sc. (Biomedical) and B.E. from the University of Melbourne. Former roles include ‘smart control systems’ consulting in the Australian Mining and Mineral Processing industry, and several years in Washington DC as a senior policy analyst in the environmental NGO sector. CEEM itself undertakes interdisciplinary research in the analysis and design of energy and environmental markets and their associated policy frameworks. It brings together researchers from five UNSW Faculties with project funding from partners including the Australian Federal Government, CSIRO, State Governments and industry.

ResearchGate link here

The following lists Iain's publications released through CEEM. 

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Title & place of publication Author Research area Type Links Year
24/7 TRUZERO submission - Response to DCCEEW’s Policy position paper for renewable electricity certification under the Guarantee of Origin scheme and for economy-wide use, Feb 2023: Hoy, S., Bruce, A. , Roberts, M. , McConnell, D. , Passey, R., Samarakoon, S. , MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2024
CEEM submission - Response to DCCEEW’s Renewable Electricity Guarantee of Origin Approach paper, Oct 2023: Samarakoon, S. , Bruce, A. , Roberts, M. , McConnell, D. , MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2024
An El Niño looms over Australia’s stressed electricity system – and we must plan for the worst Dylan McConnell , Dr Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Articles 2023
Clustering based analysis of residential duck curve mitigation through solar pre-cooling: A case study of Australian housing stock Shayan Naderi , Simon Heslop , Dong Chen, Dr Iain MacGill, Gloria Pignatta, Alistair B. Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Articles 2023
Energy Resilience in Bushfires and Extreme Weather Events Sophie Adams , Mike Roberts , Shanil Samarakoon , Ellie Kallmier, Michael Dillon, Alison Potter, Rachel Szczepaniak, Rob Passey , Anna Bruce , Declan Kuch , Dr Iain MacGill, Renate Egan Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2023
Quantifying reserve capabilities for designing flexible electricity markets: An Australian case study with increasing penetrations of renewables Abhijith Prakash , Rohan Ashby, Anna Bruce , Dr Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Articles 2023
Real-world data analysis of distributed PV and battery energy storage system curtailment in low voltage networks Baran Yildiz , Dr Naomi Stringer , Timothy Klymenko, Muhammad Syahman Samhan, Greg Abramowitz, Anna Bruce , Dr Iain MacGill, Renate Egan , Alistair B. Sproul Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2023
'Consumer cost savings, improved thermal comfort, and reduced peak air conditioning demand through pre-cooling in Australian housing', Energy and Buildings, 271 Shayan Naderi , Simon Heslop , Dong Chen, Iain MacGill , Gloria Pignatta Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2022
'Efficient, effective and fair allocation of costs and benefits in residential energy communities deploying shared photovoltaics', Applied Energy, 305 Mike Roberts , Arijit Sharma, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2022
'Impacts of electrifying public transit on the electricity grid, from regional to state level analysis', Applied Energy, 307 Katelyn Purnell , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electric vehicles Journal Papers 2022
'Insights on designing effective and efficient frequency control arrangements from the Australian National Electricity Market', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 161 Abhijith Prakash , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Articles 2022
'Nempy: A Python package for modelling the Australian National Electricity Market dispatch procedure', Journal of Open Source Software, 70 Nicholas Gorman , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Articles 2022
'Response to Capacity Mechanism Project High-level Design Paper' Abhijith Prakash , Ashleigh Nicholls, Declan Heim, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2022
'Shipping the sunshine: An open-source model for costing renewable hydrogen transport from Australia', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 Charles Johnston, Muhammad Haider Ali Khan, Rose Amal, Rahman Daiyan , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2022
A Novel Temperature-Independent Model for Estimating the Cooling Energy in Residential Homes for Pre-Cooling and Solar Pre-Cooling Simon Heslop , Baran Yildiz , Mike Roberts , Dong Chen, Tim Lau, Shayan Naderi , Anna Bruce , Dr Iain MacGill, Renate Egan Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Articles 2022
An Emissions Consideration for Flexible Green Hydrogen Electrolysers in the NEM Declan Heim , Dr Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Emissions trading Conference Papers 2022
An integrated framework of open-source tools for designing and evaluating green hydrogen production opportunities Muhammad Haider Ali Khan, Phoebe (Heywood) Dennis , Aaron Kuswara, Rahman Daiyan , Iain MacGill , Rose Amal Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2022
Decarbonising land transport in Micronesia: a case for electric vehicles Edoardo Santagata , Anna Bruce , Dr Iain MacGill Electric vehicles Conference Papers 2022
Demand response via pre-cooling and solar pre-cooling: A review Shayan Naderi , Gloria Pignatta, Simon Heslop , Dr Iain MacGill, Dong Chen Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2022
Opportunities for flexible resources to improve transmission utilisation in NSW Renewable Energy Zones Ashleigh Nicholls, Anna Bruce , Dr Iain MacGill Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2022
Solar pre-cooling with different tariff structures and household time of use patterns Shayan Naderi , Simon Heslop , Dong Chen, Dr Iain MacGill, Gloria Pignatta, Alistair Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2022
The Emissions-based Social Benefits of Large-Scale Transmission Bailey Chappel, Anna Bruce , Dr Iain MacGill Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2022
"Curtailment and network voltage analysis study,"2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), 2021 Baran Yildiz , Dr Naomi Stringer , Sophie Adams , Shanil Samarakoon , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill , Alistair B. Sproul Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2021
'Analysis of electricity consumption and thermal storage of domestic electric water heating systems to utilize exess PV generation', Energy, 235 Baran Yildiz , Jose I. Bilbao, Mike Roberts , Simon Heslop , Jonathan Dore, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill , Renate Egan , Alistair B. Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2021
'Assessment of control tools for utilizing excess distributed photovoltaic generation in domestic electric water heating systems', Applied Energy, 300 Baran Yildiz , Mike Roberts , Jose I. Bilbao, Simon Heslop , Anna Bruce , Jonathon Dore, Iain MacGill , Renate Egan , Alistair B. Sproul Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2021
'Curtailment and Network Voltage Analysis Study (CANVAS)', Race for 2030, 2021 Baran Yildiz , Sophie Adams , Shanil Samarakoon , Dr Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers 2021
'High Penetration PV Penetrations in the NEM: How big a challenge for System Services?', State of Energy Research Conference, 7-9 December 2021 Anna Bruce , Kanyawee Keeratimahat , Abhijith Prakash , Rohan Ashby, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2021
'Impact of High Solar and Wind Penetrations and Different Reliability Targets on Dynamic Operating Reserves in Electricity Generation Expansion Planning', Electricity Journal, 34(4)  Yusak Tanoto , Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce , Navid Haghdadi Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2021
'Is the Australian National Electricity Market 'fit for purpose' in delivering clean energy transition', Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, Sydney, December 2021 Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2021
'Response to Energy Security Board's Post 2025 Market Design Options Papers' Abhijith Prakash , Rohan Ashby, Kanyawee Keeratimahat , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2021
'Response to Fast frequency response market ancillary service draft rule determination' Abhijith Prakash , Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2021
'Response to Frequency control rule changes directions paper' Abhijith Prakash , Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2021
'Response to Reserve Services in the National Electricity Market Directions Paper' Abhijith Prakash , Nicholas Gorman , Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2021
Characterisation of thermal energy dynamics of multi-zone residential buildings after pre-cooling Shayan Naderi , Gloria Pignatta, Dr Iain MacGill, Simon Heslop , Dong Chen Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2021
Designing optimal integrated electricity supply configurations for renewable hydrogen generation in Australia Muhammad Haider Ali Khan, Rahman Daiyan , Zhaojun Han, Martin Hablutzel, Nawshad Haque, Rose Amal, Dr Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Sustainability & general Articles 2021
Exogenous influences on deployment and profitability of photovoltaics for self-consumption in multi-apartment buildings in Australia and Austria Bernadette Fina, Mike Roberts , Hans Auer, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2021
Research and innovation agenda for energy resilience in Pacific Island Countries and Territories Long Seng To , Anna Bruce , Paul Munro , Edoardo Santagata , Dr Iain MacGill, Manu Rawali , Atul Raturi Electricity Markets & Restructuring Articles 2021
'An open source tool for analyzing the impact of electricity network and retail tariffs on consumers', IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Montreal, Canada Navid Haghdadi , Iain MacGill , Nicholas Gorman , Rob Passey , Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2020
'Analysis of short-term operational forecast deviations and controllability of utility-scale photovoltaic plants', Renewable Energy Kanyawee Keeratimahat , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2020
'Clustering based assessment of cost, security and environmental tradeoffs with possible future electricity generation portfolios', Applied Energy, 270:115219 Yusak Tanoto , Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2020
'Consumer-Led Transition: Australia's World-Leading Distributed Energy Resource Integration Efforts', IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 18(6), p20-36.     Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill , Navid Haghdadi , Peter Kilby, Jacqui Mills, Taru Veijalainen, Matt Armitage, Nigel Wilmot Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2020
'End-to-end electricity market design - some lessons from the Australian National Electricity Market', Electricty Journal, 33: 106831 Iain MacGill , Ryan Esplin Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal Papers 2020
'Minimum Reliability Subscription, Capital Efficient Community Microgrids With High Share Of Renewables' Emi Minghui Gui, Iain MacGill , Regina Betz Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers 2020
'Observed behavior of distributed photovoltaic systems during major voltage disturbances and implications for power system security', Applied Energy, 260:114283 Naomi Stringer , Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce , Jenny Riesz, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2020
'Response to the Energy Security Board's Post 2025 Market Design Consultation Paper' Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce , Abhijith Prakash Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2020
'Submission to the AER consultation paper: Assessing DER integration expenditure' Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce , Mike Roberts , Sophie Adams , Iain MacGill , Katelyn Purnell , Hou Sheng Zhou Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2020
'Submission to the Australian Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper – A framework to accelerate low emissions technologies' Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce Sustainability & general Submissions 2020
'Submission to the Semi scheduled generator rule change(s) Issues paper' Abhijith Prakash , Kanyawee Keeratimahat , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2020
'UNSW submission to AS4777.2 draft' Naomi Stringer , Baran Yildiz , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Submissions 2020
'Workshop Background Paper: Energy Resilience in Pacific Island Countries & Territories' Darcy Small, Ashleigh Nicholls, Thomas Jeffrey , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill , Paul Munro , Atul Raturi , Manu Rawali , Long Seng To Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2020
Climate policy and intelligent transport systems: Application of new transport technologies to reduce greenhouse emissions, 2020 National Conference on Emerging Trends on Sustainable Technology and Engineering Applications, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7281-4363-7 Mohsen Fadaee Nejad , Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electric vehicles, Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2020
Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable Power-to-X Rahman Daiyan , Dr Iain MacGill, Rose Amal Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Articles 2020
Voltage Analysis of the LV Distribution Network in the Australian National Electricity Market Simon Heslop , Stringer, N. , Yildiz, B. , Bruce, A. , Heywood, P. , MacGill, I., Passey, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers 2020
'A characterisation of air conditioning consumption in Australia’s eastern capitals' - Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference Simon Heslop , Anna Bruce , Renate Egan , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2019
'A Practical Distributed Voltage Control Method for Efficient and Equitable Intervention of Distributed Devices', IET Smart Grid, DOI: 10.1049/iet-stg.2018.0197 Simon Heslop , Iain MacGill , John Fletcher Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2019
'Appliance level data analysis of summer demand reduction potential from residential air conditioner control', Applied Energy, 255: 776-785 Anam Malik, Navid Haghdadi , Iain MacGill , Jayashri Ravishankar Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal Papers 2019
'Characterisation of Australian apartment electricity demand and its implications for low-carbon cities', Energy, 180: 242-257 Mike Roberts , Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2019
'Consumer-centric service innovations in an era of self-selecting customers', chapter in CONSUMER, PROSUMER, PROSUMAGER: How Service Innovations Will Disrupt the Utility Business Model, ed. F.P. Sioshansi, Academic Press Emi Minghui Gui, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Book Chapters 2019
'Impact of shared battery energy storage systems on photovoltaic self-consumption and electricity bills in apartment buildings',Applied Energy, 245: 78-95 Mike Roberts , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2019
'Inquiry Into Electric Buses in Regional and Metropolitan Public Transport Networks in NSW, Submission in response to the Committee on Transport and Infrastructure' Anna Bruce , Katelyn Purnell , Iain MacGill Submissions 2019
'Opportunities and Barriers for Photovoltaics on Multi-Unit Residential Buildings: Reviewing the Australian Experience’, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 109: 95-110 Mike Roberts , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2019
'Photovoltaics on Apartment Buildings', Project report to Energy Consumers Australia Mike Roberts , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill , Jessie Copper, Navid Haghdadi , Rob Passey , Rebecca Hu, Tyce Barton Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers 2019
'Potential impacts of residential PV and battery storage on Australia's electricity networks under different tariffs', Energy Policy, 128: 616-627 Sharon Young, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2019
'Submission to SAPN’s Tariff Structure Statement for 2020-25 and their Pricing Proposal for 2019/20' Rob Passey , Iain MacGill , Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2019
'Survey based characterisation of energy services for improved design and operation of standalone microgrids', Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 101:493-503 Bhupendra Shakya, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2019
An Energy Data Manifesto, in Good Data, Edited by A. Daly, S.K. Devitt, and M. Mann, Institute of Network Cultures: Amsterdam. Declan Kuch , Naomi Stringer , Luke Marshall , Sharon Young, Mike Roberts , Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce , Rob Passey Sustainability & general Book Chapters 2019
Electricity Access Challenges and Opportunities in Papua New Guinea (PNG) Manu Rawali , Anna Bruce , Atul Raturi , Brian Spak, Dr Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2019
Historical Market Trends of Distributed Photovoltaic Inverters in Australia Phoebe (Heywood) Dennis , Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill , Naomi Stringer Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2019
‘A comparison of arrangements for increasing self-consumption and maximising the value of distributed photovoltaics on apartment buildings.’ Solar Energy 193(372-386)  Mike Roberts , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2019
‘The value of flexible load in power systems with high renewable energy penetration’, Energy, 188  Zoe Hungerford, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2019
"How to maintain the conversation, group work and peer assessment when a modest post-graduate course goes big", AAEE 2018, Hamilton, New Zealand Navid Haghdadi , Iain MacGill Conference Papers 2018
'Collective Prosumerism: Accessing the Potential of Embedded Networks to Increase the Deployment of Distributed Generation on Australian Apartment Buildings', Energycon 2018, Limasol, Cyprus Mike Roberts , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2018
'Electrified Transport Opportunities for Low Carbon Mobility in Australian Cities', APSRC 2018, Sydney, Australia Katelyn Purnell , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electric vehicles Conference Papers 2018
'Impacts of PV System Configuration, Retail Tariffs and Annual Household Consumption on Payback Times for Residential Battery Energy Storage', APSRC 2018, Sydney, Australia Sharon Young, Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2018
'NEMOSIS – NEM Open Source Information Service; open-source access to Australian National Electricity Market Data', APSRC 2018, Sydney, Australia Nicholas Gorman , Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2018
'Submission to to the Register of Distributed Energy Resources rule change by the AEMC' Naomi Stringer , Sharon Young, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2018
'Who pays, who benefits? The financial impacts of solar photovoltaic systems and air-conditioners on Australian households’, Energy Research and Social Science, 39, p198-215 Passey, R., Watt, M., Bruce, A. , MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2018
Submission in response to the Senate Select Committee on Electric Vehicles: Opportunities to facilitate electric mobility in Australia Katelyn Purnell , Sharon Young, David Dixon, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electric vehicles Submissions 2018
Submission to the NEM VPP Demonstrations Program Consultation Paper Rob Passey , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2018
Submission to the Open Energy Networks Consultation Paper Rob Passey , Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2018
Submission: Brief  overview  of  some  CEEM  work  relevant  to  the  Electricity  Networks  Economic Regulatory Frameworks Review 2018 (EPR0062) Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2018
'A method to estimate the location and orientation of distributed photovoltaic systems from their generation output data’, Renewable Energy, 108, p390-400 Haghdadi, N. , Copper, J., Anna Bruce , MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2017
'Allocation Rules and Meter Timing Issues in Local Energy or 'Peer to Peer' Networks', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Luke Marshall , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Can local government play a greater role for community renewable energy? A case study from Australia’, Energy Research & Social Science, 21, p33-43 Mey, F., Diesendorf, M., MacGill I. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2017
'Data driven exploration of voltage conditions in low voltage network for sites with distributed solar PV', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Naomi Stringer , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2017
'Designing more cost reflective electricity network tariffs with demand charges', Energy Policy, 109, p642-649. Passey, R., Haghdadi, N., Bruce, A., MacGill I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2017
'Distributed energy infrastructure paradigm: community microgrids in a new institutional economics context’, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, p355-1365 Gui, M., Diesendorf, M., MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2017
'Energy Transition: A UNSW Climate Change Blueprint' Watt, M., Ngo, A., MacGill, I., Elliston, B. Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2017
'Fast Frequency Response Markets for High Renewable Energy Penetrations in the Future Australian NEM', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia James Banks, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Generator Revenue in the Australian National Electricity Market with High Renewables and a Synchronous Generation Constraint', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Shira Samocha, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Impact of Demand Response in the Australian National Electricity Market with High Renewable Energy Penetration', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Ben Madafiglio, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic Systems on Zone Substation Peak’, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(2), p621-629. Haghdadi, N., Bruce, A., MacGill, I., Passey, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2017
'Impact of Distributed PV on Peak Demand in the Australian National Electricity Market', IEEE PESGM, Chicago, IL, USA Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2017
'Least Cost High Renewable Energy Penetration Scenarios in the Java Bali Grid System', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Arionmaro Asi Simaremare, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Open Source Model for Operational and Commercial Assessment of Local Electricity Sharing Schemes in the Australian National Electricity Market', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Naomi Stringer , Luke Marshall , Rob Passey , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2017
'Photovoltaic Deployment Experience and Technical Potential in Indonesia's Java-Madura-Bali Electricity Grid', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Yusak Tanoto , Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce , Navid Haghdadi Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2017
'PV for Apartment Builldings: Which Side of the Meter?', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Mike Roberts , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2017
'Reliability of 100% Renewable Electricity Supply in the Australian National Electricity Market’, In: T Sidki Uyar (ed.) Towards 100% Renewable Energy. Springer, p.297-303 Elliston, B., Diesendorf, M., MacGill I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Book Chapters 2017
'Retail Electricity Tariff Design to Incentivise Efficient Consumer Behaviour', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia Emma Presutti, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Short term variability of utility-scale PV in the Australian National Electricity Market', APSRC 2017, Melbourne, Australia K. Keeratimahat , A. Bruce , I. MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2017
'Submission in response to the AEMC’s Distribution Market Model draft report, AEMC Project Number SEA0004’ Naomi Stringer , Mike Roberts , Sharon Young, Rob Passey , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2017
'Submission to the AEMC review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks’ Mike Roberts , Rob Passey, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2017
'Submission to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market‘ Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce , Declan Kuch , Luke Marshall , Naomi Stringer , Sharon Young Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2017
'The great rebalancing act: Rattling the electricity value chain from behind the meter', in "Innovation and Disruption at the Grid’s Edge: How distributed energy resources are disrupting the utility business model", Ed. Fereidoon P. Sioshansi, Elsevier. Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Book Chapters 2017
Tariff Design and Analysis Tool Users Guide Navid Haghdadi , Rob Passey , Anna Bruce , Sharon Young, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Reports and Working Papers 2017
’Submission in response to the AEMC’s draft report on the review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks' Mike Roberts , Rob Passey , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2017
’Submission in response to the NSW Dept of Planning & Environment Discussion Paper on Consumer Protections’, Dec  Mike Roberts , Iain MacGill , Rob Passey Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2017
’Submission to Select Senate Committee into the Resilience of Electricity Infrastructure in a Warming World’, Feb Sharon Young, Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce Sustainability & general Submissions 2017
'100% Renewables in Australia: A Research Summary' Riesz, J. , Elliston, B., Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2016
'A Framework to Assess the Ability of Network Regulatory Arrangements to Facilitate Appropriate Investment in Distributed Energy’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Young, S., MacGill, I., Bruce, A. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2016
'Assessing the Capacity Value of Variable Renewable Generation in the Australian National Electricity Market, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Lo, W.-C., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2016
'Assessing the Short-Term Revenue Impacts of Residential PV Systems on Electricity Customers, Retailers and Network Service Providers’, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 54, p1494-1505 Oliva, S., MacGill I., Passey, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2016
'Assessing the viability of Energy-Only Markets with 100% Renewables', Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 5(1) Riesz, J. , Gilmore, J., MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal Papers 2016
'AUSTRALIA’S CLIMATE POLICY OPTIONS, Submission in response to the Climate Change Authority’s Special Review Second Draft Report' Neil Raffan, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Sustainability & general Submissions 2016
'Distributed Energy Resources and the Australian NEM – a good match?’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Luke Marshall , Bruce, A. , MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2016
'Large-Scale Renewable Energy Deployment in Developing Countries: Opportunities to address the energy trilemma of the Philippines’ electricity industry’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Enano, N., MacGill, I., Bruce, A. , Elliston, B. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2016
'Operational performance analysis of distributed PV systems in Australia’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia Haghdadi, N., Copper, J., Bruce, A., MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2016
'Review of very short term frequency management strategies for integration of high penetrations of non-synchronous utility-scale PV in electricity markets’, APSRC 2015, Canberra, Australia Keeratimahat, K , Bruce, A. , MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2016
'Solar Home Systems vs. the Grid in Rural India: A Balancing Act of Risk and Reward’, APSRC 2016, Canberra, Australia George, D.R., MacGill, I. F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2016
'Submission to the Climate Change Fund Draft Strategic Plan 2017-2022’ Graham Mills, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Sustainability & general Submissions 2016
'The future of utility customers and utility customers of the future', in Future of Utilities - Utilities of the Future How technological innovations in distributed generation will reshape the electric power sector Smith, R., MacGill I. Sustainability & general Book Chapters 2016
'The Potential Value of Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in the Australian National Electricity Market’, APSRC 2015, Canberra, Australia Roy, A., Bruce, A. , MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2016
'Using PV to help meet Common Property Energy Demand in Residential Apartment Buildings', 2016 Australian Summer Study on Energy Productivity, Sydney, Australia Mike Roberts , Gareth Huxham, Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2016
'What cost for more renewables? The incremental cost of renewable generation – an Australian National Electricity Market case study', Renewable Energy Elliston, B., Riesz, J. , MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2016
CEEM Submission to the AEMC Consultation Paper: National Electricity Amendment (Local Generation Network Credits) Rule 2015 Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill , Rob Passey , Naomi Stringer Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2016
Maximum PV generation estimation method for residential low voltage feeders, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 2016, Vol.7, p.58-69, ISSN: 23524677 Simon Heslop , Iain MacGill , John Fletcher Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2016
‘Valuing large-scale solar photovoltaics in future electricity generation portfolios and its implications for energy and climate policies’, IET Renewable Power Generation, 10(1):79-87
Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill I. Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2016
’Electricity network revenue under different Australian residential tariff designs and customer interventions’, IEEE PESGN, July 2016 Young, S., Bruce, A., MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2016
'An Assessment of the Cost-Reflectivity of Proposed Network Tariffs in Australia’, Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference 2015, Brisbane, Australia Kelly, D., Bruce, A. , MacGill, I., Passey, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2015
'Assessing possible generation portfolios for China’s future carbon constrained electricity industry', by Peerapat Vithayasrichareon, Regina Betz, Iain MacGill, Xinyang Wei, Qing, T., Yu, W. and Jotzo, F. Vithayasrichareon, P., Betz, R., MacGill I., Wei, X., Qing, T., Yu, W., Jotzo, F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Reports and Working Papers 2015
'Assessing the Representativeness of ‘Live’ Distributed PV Data for Upscaled PV Generation Estimates’, at the 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Brisbane, Australia Haghdadi, N., Bruce, A., MacGill, I.F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2015
'Assessing “Gas Transition” pathways to low carbon electricity – An Australian case study' Riesz, J. , Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2015
'Economics of Solar PV Systems with Storage in Main Grid and Mini-grid Settings', in Solar Energy Storage MacGill, I., Watt, M. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Book Chapters 2015
'Fact Check: Was the cost of cutting emissions 100 times greater under Labor?’, ABC News online Iain MacGill Emissions trading Media 2015
'Frequency Control Ancillary Service Market Design - Insights from the Australian National Electricity Market’, The Electricity Journal28(3): 86-99. Riesz, J. , Gilmore, J., MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2015
'How the networks fiddle with data to trash rooftop solar PV', RenewEconomy Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Media 2015
'Impact of Electric Vehicles and Solar PV on Future Generation Portfolio Investment’, IEEE Transactions for Sustainable Energy Vithayasrichareon, P., Mills, G., MacGill I. Electric vehicles, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2015
'Impact of High Variable Renewable Generation on Future Market Prices and Generator Revenue', IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC) 2015, Brisbane Vithayasrichareon, P., Riesz, J. , MacGill I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2015
'Impact of Operational Constraints on Generation Portfolio Planning with Renewables’ Vithayasrichareon, P., Lozanov, T., Riesz, J. , MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2015
'Market Pricing and Revenue Outcomes in an Electricity Market with High Renewables – An Australian Case Study', 38th IAEE International Conference, Antalya, Turkey Vithayasrichareon, P., Riesz, J. , MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Extended abstract 2015
'Photovoltaics in Australia: Time for a rethink', IEEE Power & Energy, March/April Iain MacGill , Anna Bruce Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Articles 2015
'PV in Australian Apartment Buildings – Opportunities and Barriers', APSRC 2015, Brisbane, Australia Mike Roberts , Anna Bruce , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2015
'Real Time Generation Mapping of Distributed PV for Network Planning and Operations’, at the 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Brisbane, Australia Haghdadi, N., Dennis, J., Bruce, A., MacGill I.F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2015
'Review  of  demand  side  management  modelling  for  application to renewables integration in Australian power market’, at the 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Brisbane, Australia Hungerford, Z., Bruce, A. , MacGill, I.F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2015
'Spatio-temporal characterisation of extended low direct normal irradiance events over Australia using satellite derived solar radiation data’, Renewable Energy, 74, p633-639 Elliston, B., MacGill I.F., Prasad, A., Kay, M. Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2015
'Statistical analysis of driving factors of residential energy demand in the greater Sydney region, Australia’, Energy and Buildings, 105, p9-25 Fan, H., MacGill I.F., Sproul, A. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2015
'Submission to the COAG Energy Council’s ‘Review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Market – Draft Report(July 2015)'' Neil Raffan, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2015
'Using renewables to hedge against future electricity industry uncertainties—An Australian case study’, Energy Policy, 76, p43-56 Vithayasrichareon, P., Riesz, J. , MacGill, I. F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2015
Maximum PV generation estimation tool for residential low voltage feeders: First-stage, 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting : 26-30 July 2015, Denver, CO, USA / , 2015, p.1-5,ISBN: 1-4673-8041-5, 1-4673-8040-7 Simon Heslop , Iain MacGill , John Fletcher Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2015
‘Planning in the Australian National Electricity  Market  -  Challenges and Opportunities’, at the 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Brisbane, Australia Raffan, N., Bruce, A. , MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2015
'A review of the potential benefits and risks of photovoltaic hybrid mini-grid systems', Renewable Energy, 67 p222–229 Hazelton, J., Bruce, A. , MacGill I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2014
'Assessing Long-term Security of Electricity Supply and the Role of Renewable Energy: A Probabilistic Generation Portfolio Analysis Approach' Vithayasrichareon, P., Riesz, J. , MacGill I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2014
'Assessing “Gas Transition” pathways to low carbon electricity’ Riesz, J. , Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2014
'Comparing least cost scenarios for 100% renewable electricity with low emission fossil fuel scenarios in the Australian National Electricity Market', Renewable Energy, 66, p196-204. Elliston, B., MacGill, I., Diesendorf, M. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2014
'Distributed energy storage in Australia: quantifying potential benefits, exposing institutional challenges’, Energy Research & Social Science Sue, K., MacGill I., Hussey, K. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2014
'Distributional Effects of the Australian Renewable Energy Target (RET) through Wholesale and Retail Electricity Price Impacts', Energy Policy (forthcoming) Cludius, J., Forrest, S., MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2014
'Does wind need ‘back-up’ capacity? Modelling the system integration costs of ‘back-up’ capacity for variable generation’, at the International Energy Workshop (IEW), Beijing, China Riesz, J. , MacGill I., Gilmore, J. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2014
'Energy White Paper 2014, Green Paper Submission’ Raffan, N., MacGill I., Riesz, J. , Vithayasrichareon, P., Bruce, A. Sustainability & general Submissions 2014
'Estimating the Net Societal Value of Distributed Household PV Systems Solar Energy', Solar Energy, 100, p9-22 Oliva, S., MacGill I., Passey, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2014
'Examining the viability of energy-only markets with high renewable penetrations’ Riesz, J., MacGill, I., Gilmore, J. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2014
'Finally, some light relief for the Renewable Energy Target', The Conversation Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Articles 2014
'Impacts of Generation-Cycling Costs on Future Electricity Generation Portfolio Investment' Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill I. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2014
'Incorporating short-term operational plant constraints into assessments of future electricity generation portfolios’, Applied Energy, 128, p. 144-155 Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2014
'Proceedings of the brain storming session on modelling of renewables for policy making', IRENA special session at International Energy Workshop (IEW) Iain MacGill Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2014
'PV Integration on Existing Diesel Mini-grids in Australia : Comparison of operational modeling and actual system performance’, Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference 2014, Sydney, Australia Hazelton, J., Bruce, A. , MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2014
'Submission on the RET Review Issues Paper' Iain MacGill , Jenny Riesz , Peerapat Vithayasrichareon Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Submissions 2014
'Submission to the 2014 Energy White Paper' Jenny Riesz, Iain MacGill , Neil Raffan Sustainability & general Submissions 2014
'The Benefits and Risks Photovoltaic Hybrid Mini-grid Systems for Rural Electrification in Northern Territory, Australia’, 7th International Conference on PV-Hybrids and Mini-grids, Bad Hersfeld, Germany: OTTI Hazelton, J., Bruce, A. , MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2014
'The financial impacts of PV systems and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles on customers who do not have them’, APSRC 2014 Passey, R., Watt, M., MacGill, I., Mills, G. Electric vehicles, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2014
'Using Renewables to Hedge against Future Electricity Industry Uncertainties – An Australian Case Study' Vithayasrichareon, P., Riesz, J. , MacGill I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Reports and Working Papers 2014
'Value of net-FiT PV policies for different electricity industry participants considering demand-side response’, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. doi: 10.1002/pip.2474  Oliva, S., MacGill I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2014
'Why the renewable target should be ramped up, not cut', The Conversation Peerapat Vithayasrichareon , Iain MacGill , Jenny Riesz Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Articles 2014
'Working Paper on the proposed Optional Firm Access model for the Australian National Electricity Market’ Riesz, J. , Gilmore, J., MacGill I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Reports and Working Papers 2014
Comparative analysis of the variability of fixed and tracking photovoltaic systems, Solar energy , 2014, Vol.107, p.351-364, ISSN: 0038-092X , 1471-1257 Simon Heslop , Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2014
Method for Determining a PV Generation Limit on Low Voltage Feeders for Evenly Distributed PV and Load, Energy Procedia., 2014, Vol.57, p.207-216, ISSN: 1876-6102 Simon Heslop , Iain MacGill , John Fletcher, Simon Lewis Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2014
‘Second Working Paper on the proposed Optional Firm Access model for the Australian National Electricity Market’, CEEM Working Paper, Aug, Riesz, J. , Gilmore, J., MacGill I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Reports and Working Papers 2014
'Addressing some issues relating to hybrid mini grid failures in Fiji' Dutt, P.K., MacGill, I. F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2013
'Assessing the value of wind generation in future carbon constrained electricity industries', Energy Policy, 53, p400-412. Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2013
'Breaking the Solar Gridlock: Potential Benefits of Installing Concentrating Solar Thermal Power at Constrained Locations in the NEM' Rutovitz, J., Peterseim, J., Elliston, B., Harris, S., Mohr, S., Lovegrove, K., Want, A., Langham, E., MacGill I. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2013
'Estimating the Financial Costs and Benefits of Distributed Grid-Connected Photovoltaics for Different Electricity Industry Participants' Oliva, S.J., MacGill, I., Passey, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2013
'Estimating the Net Societal Value of Distributed Household PV Systems' Oliva, S.J., MacGill, I., Passey, R. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2013
'Submission on 100 percent Renewables Study – Draft Modelling Outcomes Report' Jenny Riesz , Ben Elliston , Iain MacGill , Mark Diesendorf Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2013
'Submission regarding the Australian Governments Emissions Reduction Fund' Iain MacGill , Jenny Riesz , Regina Betz Emissions trading, Sustainability & general Submissions 2013
'Value of Net-FiT PV Policies for Different Electricity Industry Participants Considering Demand Side Response', 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France Oliva, S., MacGill I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2013
'Who shall inherit the mini grids? Examining ownership and business models for PV Hybrid Mini grids’, 12th Pacific Science Inter-Congress: ‘Science for Human Security & Sustainable Development in the Pacific Islands & Rim’, University of the South Pacific, Laucala Bay Campus, Suva, Fiji. Hazelton, J., Bruce, A. , MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2013
100% Renewables in Australia - Will a capacity market be required? Riesz, J. , MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2013
Assessing the Potential Role of Large-Scale PV Generation and Electric Vehicles in Future Low Carbon Electricity Industries Vithayasrichareon, P., Mills, G., MacGill I. Electric vehicles, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2013
Climate change has costs beyond the carbon price Iain MacGill , Jenny Riesz , Regina Betz Emissions trading Articles 2013
Distributional Effects of the Australian Renewable Energy Target (RET) through Wholesale and Retail Electricity Price Impacts Cludius, J., Forrest, S., MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Reports and Working Papers 2013
Dynamic Model Approach to Assess Feed-in Tariffs for Residential PV systems Oliva, S.J., MacGill I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2013
Frequency Control Ancillary Services - Is Australia a Model Market for Renewable Integration Riesz, J. , MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2013
Submission on Repealing the Carbon Price Iain MacGill , Jenny Riesz , Regina Betz Emissions trading Submissions 2013
The role of Wind and PV in mitigating the impact of uncertainty in the Australian National Electricity Market Vithayasrichareon, P., Riesz, J. , MacGill I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2013
‘Least cost 100% renewable electricity scenarios in the Australian National Electricity Market’, Energy Policy 59, p270-282 DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.03.038, Elliston, B., MacGill, I., Diesendorf, M. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2013
‘Magnetic Island and Townsville Solar City: A Case Study of Increasing PV Penetration in Electricity Networks’ Bruce, A. , Simon Heslop , MacGill, I., Watt, M. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2013
‘Payments for Closure Should Direct Action include payments for closure of high emission coal-fired power plants?’ Riesz, J. , Noone, B., MacGill, I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Emissions trading, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2013
‘Trading in energy efficiency in Australia: What are the lessons learnt so far?, first published in the Proceedings of the eceee 2013 Summer Study, 3-8 June 2011, Belambra Presqu'île de Giens, France. Betz, R., Jones, M.C., MacGill, I., Passey, R. Emissions trading, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2013
‘White certificate schemes – can commodification and financialisation of energy efficiency solve energy market failure, or risk just adding to it?’, first published in the Proceedings of the eceee 2013 Summer Study, 3-8 June 2011, Belambra Presqu'île de Giens, France. MacGill, I., Healy, S., Passey, R. Emissions trading, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2013
'A Comparative Review of Australian technology demonstration and commercialisation initiatives in sustainable energy’, a CEEM Discussion Paper Aaron, A., MacGill I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Reports and Working Papers 2012
'A Monte Carlo based decision-support tool for assessing generation portfolios in future carbon constrained electricity industries', Energy Policy 41, p374-392. Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal Papers 2012
'Achieving additional emission reductions under a cap-and-trade scheme’, Climate Policy, 12(4), p424-439. Twomey, P., Betz, R., MacGill I.F. Emissions trading Journal Papers 2012
'Assessing the Impact of Household PV Systems on the Profits of All Electricity Industry Participants', in Proc. IEEE PES2012, San Diego, July Oliva, S.J., MacGill I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2012
'Assessing the sustainability challenges for electricity industries in ASEAN newly industrialising countries', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (4), p2217-2233. Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I.F., Nakawiro, T. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Journal Papers 2012
'CEEM submission to AEMC's Energy Market Arrangements for Electric and Natural Gas Vehicles', EMO0022 Graham Mills, Iain MacGill, Robert Passey Electric vehicles Submissions 2012
'Comparison of Wind Energy Support Policy and Electricity Market Design in Europe, the United States and Australia', IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 3(4), pp.  809 – 818. Aparicio, N., MacGill, I. F., Rivier Abbad, J., Beltran, H. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2012
'Impacts and best practices of large-scale wind power integration into electricity markets - some Australian perspectives', in Proc. IEEE PES2012, San Diego, July MacGill I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2012
'Investigating the Value of Making Hourly Operational Decisions for Residential Distributed Energy Resources', in Proc. IEEE PES2012, San Diego, July Pedrasa, M.A., MacGill I.F., Spooner, T. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2012
'Monte-Carlo Based Assessments for Future Generation Investment? A Case Study of Thailand', in Proc. IEEE PES2012, San Diego, July Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2012
'Portfolio assessments for future generation investment in newly industrializing countries – A case study of Thailand’. Energy 44 (1): p. 1044-1058 Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2012
'Predicting and presenting plausible future scenarios of wind power production from numerical weather prediction systems: a qualitative ex-ante evaluation for decision-making', Wind Energy, 15(3), p473-488 Cutler, N.J., Outhred, H.R.[nid:330], MacGill, I.F., Kepert, J.D. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2012
'Reliability of 100% Electricity Supply in the Australian National Electricity Market', at the 2nd International 100% Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (IRENRC 2012), 28-10 June 2012  Elliston, B., Diesendorf, M., MacGill, I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2012
'Simple Method for Predicting the Output of Dual-Axis Tracking Systems from Fixed-Tilt System Outputs', at AUPEC, 2012. Simon Heslop , MacGill I.F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2012
'Simulations of scenarios with 100% renewable electricity in the Australian National Electricity Market', Energy Policy 45, p. 606-613 Elliston, B., Diesendorf, M., MacGill, I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2012
'Social and Private Valuations of Commercial Photovoltaic Systems in Australia' Oliva, S.J., MacGill I.F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2012
'The fall (and rise) of carbon pricing in Australia: a political strategy analysis of the carbon pollution reduction scheme', Environmental Politics, 21(5), p691-711. Bailey, I., MacGill, I., Passey, R., Compston, H. Emissions trading Journal Papers 2012
'The inevitability of ‘flotilla policies’ as complements or alternatives to flagship emissions trading schemes', Energy Policy, 48, p551-561. Passey, R., Bailey, I., MacGill, I., Twomey, P. Emissions trading, Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2012
'Using nacelle-based wind speed observations to improve wind power forecasts', Wind Energy, 15(2), p245-258 Cutler, N.J., Outhred, H.R.[nid:330], MacGill, I.F. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2012
'A policy design framework to identify the characteristics of robust energy efficiency policies', Proceedings of the eceee 2011 Summer Study, 6-11 June 2009, Belambra Presqu'ile de Giens, France (reviewed paper) Passey, R., MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2011

'Australia - Finally a Carbon Pricing Scheme?' in Greenhouse Gas Market 2011, Asia and Beyond: the Roadmap to Global Carbon & Energy Markets, by the International Emissions Trading Association

Jones, M.C.[nid:331], Twomey, P., MacGill, I., Regina Betz Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers 2011
'Australian Domestic Offset Policies: An example for achieving real greenhouse gas emissions reductions?', Joint Implementation Quarterly, 16(4), p 11-15 Betz, R., MacGill, I., Passey, R. Emissions trading Journal Papers 2011

'Estimating the Economic Value of Distributed PV Systems in Australia', at the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Asia Conference, in Perth, Nov 13-16, 2011

Oliva, S.J., MacGill, I.F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2011
'Final report on UNSW Project for AEMO to develop a prototype wind power forecasting tool for potential large rapid changes in wind power' Cutler, N., Outhred, H.[nid:330], MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Reports and Working Papers 2011
'Generation Portfolio Analysis for Low-Carbon Electricity Industries with High Wind Penetrations', IEEE PES Trondheim PowerTech 2011, Trondheim, Norway (reviewed paper) Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2011
'High penetration wind generation impacts on spot prices in the Australian national electricity market', Energy Policy, 39, p5939-5949. Cutler, N.J., Boerema, N., MacGill, I.F., Outhred, H.R.[nid:330] Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2011
'Interactions between energy security and climate change: A focus on developing countries', Energy Policy, 39(6), p3750-3756. Bazilian, M., Hobbs, B.F., Blyth, W., MacGill, I., Howells, M. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2011
'Operational Characteristics of a Cluster of Distributed Photovoltaic Systems', at the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Asia Conference, in Perth, Nov 13-16, 2011 Simon Heslop , MacGill, I.F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2011
'Optimal timing for generation investment with uncertain emission mitigation policy', European Transactions Electrical Power, 21, p1015-1027 Liu, G., Wen, F., MacGill. I. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2011
'Simulations of Scenarios with 100% Renewable Electricity in the National Electricity Market', at the Australian Solar Energy Society Conference, Sydney, 1 Dec 2011 (Jointly awarded the Wal Read Memorial Prize for Best Student Paper) Elliston, B., Diesendorf, M., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2011
'Strategies to reduce grid integration costs of solar electric plants in the Australian National Electricity Market'' at the 17th Symposium of the IEA Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems (SolarPACES), in Granada, Spain, September 20-23. Elliston, B., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2011
'The Potential Impacts of Grid-connected Distributed Generation and How to Address Them: A Review of Technical and Non-technical Factors', Energy Policy, 39(10), p6280-6290. Passey, R., Spooner, T., MacGill, I., Watt, M., Syngellakis, K. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2011

'Forecasting scenarios of wind power generation for the next 48 hours to assist decision-making in the Australian National Electricity Market ", 48th ANZSES Conference, Canberra, 1 to 3 Dec 2010

Cutler, N., Outhred, H.[nid:330], MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2010
'Robust Scheduling of Residential Distributed Energy Resources Using a Novel Energy Service Decision-Support Tool', at the 2nd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2011) Conference, Jan 17-19, 2011, Anaheim, California, USA. The associated poster is also available . Pedrasa, M. A., Spooner, E. D., MacGill, I. F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2010
'Sustainability challenges for electricity industries in ASEAN newly industrializing countries', IASTED Conference on Asian Power and Energy Systems, Phuket, Thailand, 24th-26th November 2010 Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I., Nakawiro T. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2010
'Using policy design to manage the impact of stakeholder pressure during the policy development process: possible lessons from recent Australian energy policy', 48th ANZSES Conference, Canberra, 1 Dec to 3 Dec 2010 Passey, R., MacGill, I. Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2010

'Utilising Multiple Grid Points in Numerical Weather Prediction System Forecasts to Characterise Potential Large Rapid Changes in Wind Power Generation',Modern Energy Review; 2(2): 44-47. Available here

Cutler, N.J., Outhred, H.R.[nid:330], MacGill, I.F. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2010
Additional Action Reserve: A proposed mechanism to facilitate additional voluntary and policy emission reductions efforts in emissions trading schemes, CEEM discussion paper for comment DP_100212, February 2010 Twomey, P., Betz, R., MacGill, I., Passey, R. Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers 2010

An Energy Service Decision-Support Tool for Optimal Energy Services Acquisition

Michael Angelo Pedrasa, Ted Spooner, Dr Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers 2010
Assessing the potential impacts of electric vehicles on the electricity distribution network, 48th ANZSES Conference, Canberra, 1 Dec to 3 Dec 2010 Cain, A., MacGill, I., Bruce, A. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2010
Bringing Together International Research On High Penetration PV in Electricity Grids - The New Task 14 of the IEA-PVPS Programme, at the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (6 - 10 September 2010) at the Feria Valencia in Valencia, Spain . The associated poster is also available . Brundlinger, R., Mayr, C., Fechner, H., Braun, M., Ogimoto, K. Frederiksen, K., Kroposki, B., Graditi, G., MacGill, I.F., Turcotte, D., Perret, L. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2010
Electricity generation portfolio analysis for coal, gas and nuclear plant under future uncertainties, IASTED Conference on Asian Power and Energy Systems, Phuket, Thailand, 24th-26th November 2010 Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I., Wen, F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2010
Electricity Generation Portfolio Evaluation for Highly Uncertain and Carbon Constrained Future Electricity Industries, at the 2010 IEEE PES General Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 25th-29th July 2010 Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I., Wen, F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2010

Grid parity: A potentially misleading concept?, 48th ANZSES Conference, Canberra, 1 to 3 Dec 2010

Elliston, B., MacGill, I., Diesendorf, M. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2010

Renewable energy integration into the Australian NEM: Characterising the energy value of wind and solar generation, 48th ANZSES Conference, Canberra, 1 Dec to 3 Dec 2010

Boerema, N., Kay, M., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2010

The economics of transmission constraints on wind farms - some evidence from South Australia, 48th ANZSES Conference, Canberra, 1 Dec to 3 Dec 2010

Boerema, N., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2010

The potential role of forecasting for integrating solar generation into the Australian National Electricity Market, 48th ANZSES Conference, Canberra, 1 to 3 Dec 2010

Elliston, B., MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2010
The Value of Accurate Forecasts and a Probabilistic Method for Robust Scheduling of Residential Distributed Energy Resources, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Singapore, June 14-17, pp. 587-592 Pedrasa, M. A., Spooner E. D., MacGill, I. F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2010
‘Improving Investment Outcomes in the Commercialisation of Clean Energy Technologies Within Australia’, a CEEM Discussion Paper Aaron, A., MacGill, I. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Large-scale Renewable Energy Reports and Working Papers 2010
'Australian Climate Change Policy and it's Implications for Asia-Pacific Partnership Countries,' in Addressing Climate Change: Governance and Policy Issues, ed. S. Rajagopalan, Icfai University Press. MacGill I.F., H.R. Outhred[nid:330] Emissions trading, Sustainability & general Book Chapters 2009
'Energy Sales Targets: An alternative to White Certificate Schemes', Energy Policy, 37(6), p2310-2317 Passey, R., MacGill, I. Emissions trading, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2009

'Scheduling of Demand Side Resources Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization,' forthcoming in IEEE Transactions in Power Systems.

Pedrasa M.F., Spooner, E.D., MacGill, I.F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Journal Papers 2009
CEEM Submission to the CoAG Working Group on Climate Change and Water - Revised Renewable Energy Target (RET) Scheme Design Iain MacGill, Robert Passey Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2009

Congestion Management in Hybrid Electricity Markets with a Coordinated Constraint, Accepted for IEEE PES 2009 General Meeting, Montreal, October.

Xiao, J., Wen, F., MacGill, I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2009

Data Envelopment Analysis Based Efficiency Assessment of Power Plants, Accepted forSUPERGEN09, Nanjing, April.

Wang, Q., Wen, F., MacGill, I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2009

Economic assessment of regional bioenergy systems in Australia: a flow analysis application, Int. J. Environment and Pollution (accepted for publication)

Jakrawatana N., Moore, S., MacGill, I.F. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2009

Electricity market design for facilitating the integration of wind energy: experience and prospects with the Australian National Electricity Market, Energy Policy(accepted for publication)

MacGill, I. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2009

Emerging Challenges in Wind Energy Forecasting, forthcoming in Australian Meteorological Magazine(accepted for publication).

Kay, M.J., Cutler, N.J., MacGill, I.F., Outhred, H.R.[nid:330] Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2009
Energy without an end, OpEd in the Age newspaper, 2nd Feb 2009, Muriel Watt, Iain MacGill Technology Assessments Articles 2009

Evaluation of Electricity Market Operating Performance in China, Accepted for IEEE PES 2009 General Meeting, Montreal, October.

Wang, Q., Yang, A., Wen, F., MacGill, I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2009

Expensive beast still has no teeth, OpEd in AFR, 25th of May

Regina Betz, Iain MacGill Emissions trading Articles 2009

Generation Scheduling with Volatile Wind Power Generation, accepted for SUPERGEN09, Nanjing, April.

Yan, Y., Wen, F., MacGill, I.F. Large-scale Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2009

Improved Energy Services Provision through the Intelligent Control of Distributed Energy Resources, presented at the 2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 28 June - 2 July 2009

Pedrasa, M. A., Spooner, E. D., MacGill, I. F. Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2009

Investigation of the Impacts of Energy-saving Dispatching on Generation Companies, accepted forSUPERGEN09, Nanjing, April.

Xu, J., Wen, F., MacGill, I.F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2009
Monte-Carlo Optimisation Framework for Assessing Electricity Generation Portfolios, for the AUPEC 2009 conference, Adelaide, 27-30th September 2009 Vithayasrichareon, P., MacGill, I., Wen, F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2009

No climate for change, in ABC News Opinion and Analysis section, 8th May

Regina Betz, Iain MacGill Emissions trading Articles 2009

Notes for introductory statement to the Senate Economics Committee, 1st May 2009, and the Proof Committee Hansard, Reference: Emissions trading and reducing carbon pollution

Iain MacGill, Regina Betz Emissions trading Submissions 2009

Notes for introductory statement to the Senate Economics Committee, 27th March 2009, and the Proof Committee Hansard, Reference: Exposure drafts of the legislation to implement the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme

Regina Betz, Iain MacGill, Paul Twomey Emissions trading Submissions 2009
Spatial-Temporal Enhancements of Material Flux Analysis Methods, with Application to Cadmium Management in an Agricultural Region in Australia, Clean Technology and Environmental Policy, Doi: 10.1007/s10098-009-0226-3. Jakrawatana, N., Moore, S., Lim, S., MacGill, I. Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2009
Submission to the CoAG Working Group on Climate Change and Water Exposure Draft Renewable Energy Target (RET) Legislation and supporting regulations Iain MacGill, Robert Passey Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2009
Submission to the National Carbon Offset Standard Discussion paper, March 2009 Robert Passey, Iain MacGill Emissions trading Submissions 2009
Submission to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee Inquiry into Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2009 and a related bill. The final Senate Inquiry report and representation at the Senate Economics Committee on 6th Aug 2009 are also available. Iain MacGill, Robert Passey Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2009

The Integration of Wind Generation within the South Australian Region of the Australian National Electricity Market, a CEEM/EERH Working Paper

Cutler, N., MacGill, I., Outhred, H.[nid:330] Large-scale Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets & Restructuring Reports and Working Papers 2009
'The governance challenge for implementing effective market-based climate policies: a case study of The New South Wales Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme', Energy Policy, 36(8), p2999-3008. Rob Passey, Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Emissions trading Journal Papers 2008

A Lost Opportunity for Leadership, for NewMatilda, 22nd July 2008

Iain MacGill, Regina Betz Emissions trading Articles 2008
A Review of Market-based Schemes to Drive Energy Efficiency. The Executive Summary is available Rob Passey, Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt Emissions trading, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers 2008
Assessing Australia's Sustainable Energy Technology Options: Key Issues, Uncertainties, Priorities and Potential Choices, Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, Vol 11, p85-100 Iain MacGill Sustainability & general, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2008
CEEM Submission to the Consultation Paper: South Australian Residential Energy Efficiency Scheme, February 2008 Robert Passey, Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2008

CEEM Submission to the Garnaut Review Emissions Trading Scheme Discussion Paper, April 2008

Iain MacGill, Regina Betz Emissions trading Submissions 2008

Characterizing Wind Power Forecast Uncertainty with Numerical Weather Prediction Spatial Fields, Wind Engineering, Vol 32, No. 6, p509-524

Cutler, N.J., Kepert, J.D., Outhred, H.R.[nid:330], MacGill I.F. Large-scale Renewable Energy Journal Papers 2008

Considering technology within the UN climate change negotiations, by the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands

Morgan Bazilian, Heleen de Coninck, Mark Radka, Smita Nakhooda, William Boyd, Iain MacGill, Amal-Lee Amin, Fredrik von Malmborg, Jukka Uosukainen, Rob Bradley, Rick Bradley Emissions trading, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2008

Dispatch of Interruptible Loads Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization: A Comparison of Constraint-Handling Methods, in Proc. Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'08), Sydney, December .

Pedrasa, M.A., Spooner, E. D., MacGill, I. F. Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2008

Emissions Trading: Good Governance Requires 100% Auctioning, for the Centre for Policy Development, 13th June 2008

Iain MacGill, Regina Betz Emissions trading Articles 2008

Facilitating high wind penetrations within the Australian National Electricity Market: renewable support policies and market design issues and opportunities, in Proc. 7th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power, Madrid, May

MacGill, I.F., Outhred. H.[nid:330] Large-scale Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2008
Influences on residential uptake of distributed generation and energy efficiency, at the International Solar Energy Society Asia-Pacific Conference, Sydney, 27th Nov 2008 Rob Passey, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2008

Mure: data base on energy efficiency policies and measures www.mure2.com

Iain MacGill, Alan Pears Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2008
Submission to the Consultative Reference Committee, Inquiry into Electricity Supply in New South Wales Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill, Rob Passey Electricity Markets & Restructuring Submissions 2008

A Decision Support Tool for Regional Biomass Waste Management and its Application in Regional Australia, presented at ISWA/NVRD World Congress 2007, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 24th-27th September 2007

Napat Jakrawatana, Iain MacGill, Stephen Moore Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2007

An Evolutionary Programming Tool for Assessing the Operational Value of Distributed Energy Resources within Restructured Electricity Industries, at AUPEC '07, 9th-12th December 2007

Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2007
Australian Climate Change Policy and its Implications for AP6 Countries, A Summary paper for the China Energy Law International Symposium, Beijing China, April 27th-28th 2007 Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2007
Draft Submission to the PM&C Discussion Paper, Abatement Incentives Prior to the Commencement of the Australian Emissions Trading Scheme Regina Betz, Iain MacGill, Rob Passey Emissions trading Submissions 2007

High-Risk Scenarios for Wind Power Forecasting in Australia in proceedings of the EWEC 07 conference, Milan, Italy, 7th -10th May 2007. Paper and poster

Nick Cutler, Merlinde Kay, Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2007

Integrated Planning Tool for Optimising Bioenergy production from Regional Biomass Waste and its Application in the Murrumbidgee irrigation Area, Australia, presented at Bioenergy 2007, International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 3rd-6th September 2007

Napat Jakrawatana, Suwat Suwannoppadol, Stephen Moore, Iain MacGill Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2007
Scenario Analysis of Possible Sustainable Energy Futures for Alice Springs, presented at the ANZSES 45th Annual Conference, Solar07, Alice Springs, Australia, 2nd-6th October 2007 Jessica Picton, Muriel Watt, Iain MacGill Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2007
Some Lessons from a Decade of Teaching Ethics to Undergraduate Engineering Students, AJPAE, vol 9, no 2 Iain Skinner, Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Sustainability & general Journal Papers 2007
The NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme: An analysis of the NGAC Registry for the 2003, 2004 and 2005 Compliance Periods, A CEEM Discussion Paper DP_070827. Response to comments by the NSW Government in the Legislative Council. Rob Passey, Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers 2007
The sustainability of desalination plants in Australia: is renewable energy the answer? OzWater Conference, 5th March 2007, Sydney David Knights, Iain MacGill, Rob Passey Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Conference Papers 2007
'Photovoltaics research and development in Australia, International Journal of Environmental Studies', Vol. 63, No. 6, December 2006, pp 777-790. Muriel Watt, Rob Passey, Iain MacGill Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2006
'The limited role for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies in a sustainable Australian energy future', International Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 63, No. 6, December 2006, pp 751-763. Iain MacGill, Rob Passey, Terry Daly Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2006
Assessing Nuclear Power using a Risk-based Framework accepted for the ANZSES Solar 2006 Conference, Canberra, 13th-15th September 2006 Robert Passey, Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2006

Electricity Industry Restructuring for Efficiency and Sustainability - Lessons from the Australian Experience, accepted for the 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 2006

Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2006

Integrating Wind Energy in the Australian National Electricity Market, accpeted for the World Renewable Energy Congress IX Florence, August 2006

Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2006
International climate policy and the Asia Pacific Partnership Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Rob Passey Emissions trading, Sustainability & general Reports and Working Papers 2006

Is There a Sustainable Future for Nuclear Power, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp 63-74

Iain MacGill, Stephen Healy, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Technology Assessments Journal Papers 2006

Plenary Panel: What is the future for nuclear energy in Australia?, at the EESA NSW: Energy NSW 2006 Conference, Sydney, 16th-17th November 2006

Iain MacGill Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2006

Some design lessons from market-based greenhouse gas regulation in the restructured Australian electricity industry, Energy Policy, Vol. 34, 11-25.

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Karel Nolles Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Emissions trading Journal Papers 2006
Submission to the Parliament of Australia, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Science and Innovation "Inquiry into geosequestration technology" Iain MacGill, Terry Daly, Robert Passey Technology Assessments Submissions 2006
Submission to the Victorian Issues Paper "Driving Investment in Renewable Energy in Victoria:Options for a Victorian market-based measure" Robert Passey, Iain MacGill Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2006

Emissions Trading for Australia: Design, transition and linking options

Regina Betz, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers 2005
Integrating the many dimensions of sustainability: energy systems, comments for the National Academies Internet Forum on Integrated Sustainability Assessment, March. Iain MacGill Sustainability & general Submissions 2005

Integrating Wind Generation into the Australian National Electricity Market, paper submitted for review for the 2005 ANZSES Conference, Dunedin .

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Large-scale Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2005
Joint submission with the Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering on the Minimum Energy Performance Standards for air conditioners Robert Passey, Iain MacGill, Richard Corkish, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2005

Photovoltaics and Peak Electricity Loads, Summer 2003-04, Report prepared for the BCSE, May 2005.

Muriel Watt, Monica Oliphant, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill, Ted Spooner, Scott Partlin Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2005
Some options for State-based Renewable Obligations in Australia, paper submitted for review for the 2005 ANZSES Conference, Dunedin Robert Passey, Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt Large-scale Renewable Energy Conference Papers 2005
Submission to 'A National Emissions Trading Scheme' background paper for stakeholder consultation Regina Betz, Iain MacGill, Robert Passey Emissions trading Submissions 2005
Submission to the Green Power Options Paper June 2005 Robert Passey, Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt Large-scale Renewable Energy Submissions 2005

Submission to the Productivity Commission's Draft Report for its inquiry into energy efficiency, May.

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2005
Summary Paper of two previous papers assessing the NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme Iain MacGill, Robert Passey, Karel Nolles, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers 2005
The NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme: An analysis of the NGAC Registry for the 2003 Compliance Period, A draft CEEM discussion paper for comment - DP_050405, April. Robert Passey, Iain MacGill, Karel Nolles, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers 2005
The NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme: An assessment of the scheme's performance to date, scenarios of its possible performance to 2012, and their policy implications, A draft CEEM discussion paper for comment - DP_050408, April. Iain MacGill, Robert Passey, Karel Nolles, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Emissions trading Reports and Working Papers 2005
A Review of Some Recent Australian Government Energy Management Programs, ACRE Energy Policy Group Report, April 2004 Robert Passey, Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Reports and Working Papers 2004

Abatement technologies assessment - Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Unisearch Report for the Victorian Government's Greenhouse Challenge for Energy Study by Allen Consulting Group

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Technology Assessments Reports and Working Papers 2004

Analyses of Photovoltaic System Output, Temperature, Electricity Loads and National Electricity Market Prices - Summer 2003-04, ANZSES'04, Perth, November .

Muriel Watt, Scott Partlin, Monica Oliphant, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill, Ted Spooner Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2004

Derivative Markets in the Australian NEM: Roles and Issues, Paper accepted for Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2004, Brisbane, September .

P.W. Tham, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2004
SERGO Submission (Executive Summary) to the NFEE Discussion Paper "Towards a National Framework for Energy Efficiency - Issues and Challenges", March 2004 Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Robert Passey Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Submissions 2004

Sustainable Energy Services Delivery in East Timor ANZSES'04, Perth, November

Jeff Fang, Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Conference Papers 2004

The Value of PV in Summer Peaks Paper for EUPVSEC'04 European PV Solar Conference, Paris, June 2004 .

Muriel Watt, Scott Partlin, Monica Oliphant, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill, Ted Spooner Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Conference Papers 2004

Using a market game as a tool for teaching strategic behaviour in an electricity industry restructuring course,Paper accepted for Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2004, Brisbane, September . The associated presentation is also available

Thai D. H. Cau, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Conference Papers 2004

'Beyond Kyoto - Innovation and Adaptation': A critique of the PMSEIC assessment of emission reduction options in the Australian stationary energy sector, ERGO Discussion Paper, April 2003

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments, Large-scale Renewable Energy Archived 2003

Beyond Kyoto - Innovation and Adaptation through geosequestration Article in EcoGeneration Magazine June/July 2003

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Technology Assessments Archived 2003
Climate Change and the Australian Electricity Industry: What Role for Geosequestration? ERGO Draft Discussion Paper - an edited version was presented at the AIE Parallel Session on Fossil Fuel Technologies atANZSES'2003, Melbourne, November, 2003. Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Rob Passey Technology Assessments Archived 2003

Energy Efficiency Certificate Trading and the NSW Greenhouse Benchmarks scheme, Draft ERGO discussion paper 0301 April 2003

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Emissions trading Archived 2003
Energy efficiency certificating trading and demand-side abatement in the NSW greenhouse benchmarks scheme UNSW Electrical Energy Seminar presentation on 13 March, 2003 Iain MacGill Emissions trading, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Archived 2003

Experience with Market-based Approaches to Climate Change Regulation in the Australian Electricity Industry Poster at 6th AARES Annual National Symposium on Market Based Instruments for Enironmental Management,Canberra, 2-3 September, 2003. [ppt]

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Karel Nolles Emissions trading Archived 2003

Experience with Market-based Approaches to Climate Change Regulation in the Australian Electricity Industry Presentation to CSIRO Markets for Ecosystem Services Pre-symposium workshop for AARES, Canberra, 1 September, 2003

Iain MacGill Emissions trading Archived 2003

Market Based Environmental Regulation in the Restructured Australian Electricity Industry in Proc. 26th International Energy Economists Conference, Prague, June 2003

Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Archived 2003

National Emissions Trading for Australia: key design issues and complementary policies for promoting energy efficiency, infrastructure investment and innovation,ERGO draft discussion paper 0303, April 2003.

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Karel Nolles Emissions trading Archived 2003

National Emissions Trading for Australia: key design issues and complementary policies for promoting energy efficiency, infrastructure investment and innovation,submitted to Aust. Journal of Env. Management, September, 2003.

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Karel Nolles Emissions trading Archived 2003

Some Design Lessons from Market-Based Greenhouse Regulation in the Restructured Australian Electricity Industry Draft Energy Policy Paper, October, 2003

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Karel Nolles Emissions trading Archived 2003

Submission to the Review of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000, May 2003

Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill Large-scale Renewable Energy Archived 2003

The Australian Electricity Industry and Climate Change - What role for geosequestration? UNSW Energy Systems Seminar presentation, 28 August 2003

Iain MacGill Technology Assessments Archived 2003
The Australian Electricity Industry and Geosequestration - Some Abatement Scenarios inProc. ANZSES'2003, Melbourne, November, 2003. Robert Passey, Iain MacGill Technology Assessments Archived 2003
A Discussion of the Emissions Calculation Methodology for the Revised NSW Greenhouse Gas Emissions Benchmark Scheme: Options Paper by , September 2002 . Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill , Karel Nolles Emissions trading Archived 2002

A proposal to incorporate formal independent review into the NSW Electricity Supply Amendment (Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction) bill 2002 October 2002 .

Karel Nolles, Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill Emissions trading Archived 2002

Assessing the technology and policy needs for grid connected renewable energy services 2nd Annual Australian Renewable Energy Conference, AREC'2002, Sydney, Australia, December, 2002.

Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation, Technology Assessments Archived 2002
Jobs and Investment Potential of Renewable Energy for Australia Australian New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics Conference, ANZSEE'2002, Sydney, Australia, December, 2002. Iain MacGill, Muriel Watt Large-scale Renewable Energy, Sustainability & general Archived 2002

Managing Electricity Related Greenhouse Emissions in New South Wales via Retail Licence Conditions - Projected impacts and the importance of accurate accounting May 2002.

Karel Nolles, Iain MacGill, Hugh Outhred[nid:330] Emissions trading Archived 2002

Policy options for encouraging low-emission electricity generation and a possible baseline and credit' approach for the NSW retailer GHG benchmarks scheme, ERGO Discussion Paper, October 2002 . This adds to the recent discussion paper and commented options paper (see below). We presented a seminar on this work on the 31st of October 2002 - more details at energy.ee.unsw.edu.au

Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Iain MacGill Emissions trading Archived 2002

Submission on the IPART Discussion Paper on Distributed Generation April 2002.

Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Muriel Watt, Iain MacGill, Karel Nolles Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Archived 2002

Submission to the CoAG Energy Market Review Draft Report by for the Australian Energy Policy Group, November 2002

Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Muriel Watt, Iain MacGill Electricity Markets & Restructuring Archived 2002

Submission to the COAG Energy Market Review Issues Paper, April 2002.

Hugh Outhred[nid:330], Muriel Watt, Iain MacGill, Karel Nolles, Karl Mallon Electricity Markets & Restructuring Archived 2002


Event Presenter Typesort ascending Research area Location Date
Value of Large-Scale PV Generation in Future Low-Carbon Electricity Portfolios Peerapat Vithayasrichareon , Iain MacGill Poster Large-scale Renewable Energy Australian ‘Frontiers of Science; Science for a Green Economy’, Sydney Monday, December 3, 2012
Assessing the Impact of Household PV Systems on the Profits of All Electricity Industry Participants Sebastian Oliva, Iain MacGill Poster Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation AUPEC 2012, Green Smart Grid Systems, Bali, Indonesia. Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Social and Private Valuations of Commercial Photovoltaic Systems in Australia Sebastian Oliva, Iain MacGill Poster Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation AUPEC 2012, Green Smart Grid Systems, Bali, Indonesia. Wednesday, September 26, 2012
A Framework for Maximising the Economic Value of Electric Vehicle Integration into the Australian NEM Graham Mills, Iain MacGill Poster Electric vehicles AUPEC 2012, Green Smart Grid Systems, Bali, Indonesia. Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Poster: Impacts of Generation-Cycling Costs on Future Electricity Generation Portfolio Investment Peerapat Vithayasrichareon , Iain MacGill Poster Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Sustainability & general IEEE PES General Meeting, Washington DC, USA Sunday, July 27, 2014
Distributional Effects of the Australian Renewable Energy Target (RET) through Wholesale and Retail Electricity Price Impacts Johanna Cludius, Sam Forrest, Iain MacGill Poster Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy 5th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics, Istanbul, Turkey Saturday, June 28, 2014
Three CEEM Workshops on Distributed Energy Tools and Analysis Iain MacGill , Navid Haghdadi , Anna Bruce , Mike Roberts, Rob Passey , Naomi Stringer, Luke Marshall Workshop Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation UNSW Rm TETB LG03 Monday, December 3, 2018
Tariff Design and Assessment Workshop - Sydney Iain MacGill , Navid Haghdadi , Nicholas Gorman, Rob Passey , Anna Bruce Workshop Electricity Markets & Restructuring UNSW CBD Campus Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Workshop on Distribution Network Tariff Assessment and Design (Melbourne) Iain MacGill , Navid Haghdadi , Lynne Gallagher (ECA), Dean Lombard (ATA), Scott Sandles (AER) Workshop Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Asia pacific Solar Research Conference, Bayview Eden, Melbourne Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Workshop: Network Tariff Analysis Tool Iain MacGill, Rob Passey, Navid Haghdadi, Sharon Young Workshop Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation APSRC 2016, ANU, Canberra Thursday, December 1, 2016
Workshop on Distribution Network Tariff Assessment and Design Rob Passey, Iain MacGill, Brendon Crown, Craig Memery, Mark Burne Workshop Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation UNSW CBD Campus, O'Connell St, Sydney. Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Tariff Design and Assessment workshop - Canberra Iain MacGill , Navid Haghdadi , Nicholas Gorman, Rob Passey Workshop Electricity Markets & Restructuring The Canberra Rex Hotel Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Sustainable Electricity Access in Pacific Island Countries Iain MacGill , Atul Raturi, USP, Manu Rawali, UPNG, Danny DeSchutter, ThinkPlace, Anna Bruce , Chris Martell, GSES, Simon Franklin, ITP Renewables, Brian Spak, CSIRO Workshop Sustainability & general APSRC, Canberra Rex Hotel Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Workshop on Community Microgrid and Solar Apartments Models Iain MacGill , Rob Passey , Mike Roberts Workshop Energy Efficiency & Distributed Generation Rydges Hotel, Sydney Thursday, May 30, 2019
Distributional Effects of the Australian Renewable Energy Target via Wholesale, Retail Price Impacts Iain MacGill , Johanna Cludius, Samuel Forrest Workshop Electricity Markets & Restructuring, Large-scale Renewable Energy International Energy Workshop (IEW), Beijing, China Wednesday, June 4, 2014
